"Weeping May Last for the Night, but Joy comes in the Morning" --Glory's Testimony Part 2


Hey Readers,

Welcome back to this week testimony. I hope you are all having a lovely week so far and it hasn't been too busy. I'm excited for us to complete this week testimony. If you haven't read part 1, of Glory's testimony, I encourage you to read that first, by clicking here. Now let's continue with part 2 of Glory's testimony.

 Glory's Testimony Part 2

"The pain didn’t go away but day by day it was getting easier. I started laughing again, talking to my parents again. I started to regain my HOPE and FAITH. Months had gone by and not for one second did I cry. I started reading my bible again and re-establishing my relationship with God. He led me to start a prayer page on Instagram (@hisgloryherpraise) to help other young women in their walk with Christ. I started re-structuring my personal insta page to be more purposeful in my messages and giving God all the glory. I know what it feels like to walk through a season of darkness and I know there are many other people out there going through the same thing. I just want my page to offer hope to those who are in need of it. God HEARS and SEES us. He’s there with us through it all.

He can turn the darkest period of your life around for your good. The greatest testimonies come from the greatest hardships. Yes every now and then I still have some off days, but the difference is I am armed with prayer and I have God on my side. Those off days don’t have the power to take over my life anymore. We’re humans and we will always be subjected to our emotions. We will have several hardships in life, but the important thing is we must NEVER let go of God. Hold on for dear life to your faith and don’t let the devil have his way. He sees your promise and the bright future ahead of you and he will stop at nothing to destroy.

Lean on God and know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. He will ALWAYS see you through every battle and you will live to tell the tale. Someone out there is waiting to hear your testimony because it can change everything for them!"

Wow, wasn't Glory's testimony powerful? I definitely believe it was. Despite the storms that life threw at  Glory's way, she decided to seek God and pour her heart out to Him and He answered. Seek God, He will never fail you. I want to encourage you to stay tuned for a new testimony next week! If you want to share your testimony, please send me an email at Ngongang94@gmail.com. I can definitely keep you anonymous, if you'd prefer that route. Thanks again for reading.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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