Weeping May Endure in the Night, but Joy Comes in the Morning: Glory Ashley Testimony


Hey Readers,

Welcome to a new week! As I post this, it is a Monday, so I want to be the first person to officially say "HAPPY NEW WEEK"!!! I know my week is going to be packed with 49 hours of work ahead, not including my blogging time. It'll be busy, but I have faith that you and I will push through the busy week ahead. I wish you all a productive, peaceful and purposed filled week ahead! 

Now onto the purpose of this blog post, I am soooo excited to share this week testimony! This beautiful lady shares how she overcame the trials life threw her way. I believe her testimony will be relatable and will be a blessing in your life. Let's dive into Glory's story.


"I’ve always known about God. I was born into and grew up in a Christian household. I loved God not because I had a personal relationship with him but because that’s who my parents believed in. I guess you could say I lived on borrowed faith (my parents’ that is). It wasn’t until I was about 20 years old that I started to discover who God is on my own. I was in College and I’d reached a point in my life where I realized that I was going to need God if I was to survive my college years. When I turned 21 I got baptized and it truly was an amazing moment and decision. Everything was going great in my life during that season, I couldn’t really complain. I had a health and wellness business that was doing great, I was about to buy my dream car (Jeep), and I was about to graduate (this was back in 2019).


Flash forward to the end of the year and everything came crashing down. I was in my gap year dealing with anxiety about my future, I had personal relationship that fell apart and I quit my business because I wasn’t in the right state of mind to continue it anymore, nor did I want to. I was extremely depressed and most of my days were filled with crying...from morning until night. It was the most painful and gut wrenching season of my life. I felt so lost and like there was no purpose to anything anymore. I thought God had abandoned me. I was so angry with God. I stopped praying, I hated when Gospel songs came on or when my mom tried to pray for me. I even contemplated abandoning my faith altogether because what was the point? Why would God allow me to go through so much pain like that? Why was he not listening when I would cry out?


These are the questions that would go through my head. I let the devil wreak havoc on my Mind. I battled with insecurities, depression, anxiety, and at some point I was suicidal. This went on for about 6 months. I got to a point where I realized that I had nowhere else to turn to. God had humbled me to a point that I had no choice BUT to go back to him. I felt bad for shutting everyone out. My state of mind was affecting those close to me. They were worried but I kept isolating myself. One day I said “I give up God, I don’t know what to do anymore, and I can’t walk through this pain alone anymore”. I poured my heart out to God that night and I cried a lot. My mom and pastor prayed for me and I truly felt a shift at that moment."

When we go through the hardest seasons in life, God has a funny way of using those seasons to pull us closer to Him, reveal more of His purpose for our lives, and He heals and comforts us. Are you currently in a season in life, where you're angry, emotionally drained and frustrated with God? Similarly to what Glory did, I encourage you to pour your heart out to God. Only He can heal and restore you. Stay tuned for Part 2 of Glory's testimony! Make sure to check out the other testimonies that have been shared so far and email me YOUR story at Ngongang94@gmail.com.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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