Testimonies Heal: Week 1 "Sam T. Sentongo"


Hey Readers,

Welcome to the month of September!!! Unfortunately summer is slowly coming to an end and fall is quickly approaching. I hope you are all doing well despite the trying times of 2020. In the month of September I will be sharing YOUR testimonies! I am so excited to share your testimonies. “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” —Revelations 12:11. If you’re a Christian, like myself, you know the power of sharing your testimony. Not only does sharing our testimony help us heal, but our story can be the catalyst for healing in other’s lives.

Let's dive into this week testimony. I am so excited to share Sam's testimony. It's so refreshing to see a young man after God's heart! In this day at age where money, sex, and material possessions are highly admired, it's refreshing to see that God is still at work in the lives of the young men in this generation. I believe Sam's testimony will be relatable and also inspirational. If you want to share your testimony please send me an email at Ngongang94@gmail.com.

"Grew up in a Christian household, accepted Christ and was baptized at the age of 8, but spent the next 7 years pursuing everything other than Christ. The turning point occurred in the summer after my freshman year of high school. Up until that point, I didn’t really care about God, just wanted to be cool. The dudes that I looked up to got lots of money and girls, so that’s all I pursued. I was well versed in who God was and all that, but it meant nothing to me; I was the perfect Sunday school kid, but come Monday I was a different person.

Something weird happened to me after my freshman year of high school tho; I got this internship at my church. I didn’t care much for the fact that it was at my church; all I cared about was that they payed pretty decently. I’d use the money to get the newest Jordans & run after girls. The internship started every day with a chapel component, and that’s what God used to chip away at my apathy towards him. I was already going through an identity crisis after freshman year. I was the new kid at a new school and was going through a weird sort of loneliness. Anyways, the daily chapel/bible studies put God heavy on my heart & when combined with the identity crisis, i found myself at a red pill/blue pill (The Matrix) moment. I could continue my lifestyle, letting life as I knew it continue, but i felt a new curiosity about God that i’d never encountered before...perhaps there was more to God than I had been willing to consider...

I chose to give this God thing a try and take it seriously. I took a leap of faith, rededicated my life to Christ, and the rest is history! Looking at how this changed me, I have a huge appreciation for how in Christ, we’re new creations. God changed me from the inside out; I have new desires, passions, and goals. I found a new sense of security that opened the door to a joy that i never knew before.

By the grace of God, the transformation didn’t stop there; since then, it’s been a process of putting each part of my life at the feet of the cross. Each episode’s rocked me to the core and brought me face to face with a different facet of who God is.

 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!“-2 Cor 5:17

 [the story of my life] "

Wasn't Sam's testimony so powerful?!?! I definitely believe it was. Thanks for sharing your testimony with the world. Readers, please make sure to stay tuned for next week Friday's testimony. I hope you all have a blessed week. Make sure to stay Uncle Coro Free! (:

 Always keeping it real,                                                                                                                                 Titiana Ngongang                                                                                                                                         Life,Faith&Love



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