Fear He is a Liar: Part 2 (My Testimony)

Hey Readers!

Welcome back to Life, Faith &Love. This week I want to share a bit of my testimony, specifically on how I overcame fear. Fear was something I dealt with from the time I was 10 till about age 20. I dealt with different types of fear. From age 10 to 15 I was afraid of going upstairs to the kitchen by myself when everyone was downstairs to get food or something to drink. Around that age I was also afraid to sleep in the dark in my room by myself. These might appear to be normal things children fear of, but if left undealt, what presents itself as innocent can spread into a malignant and dangerous growth. 

As I got older, I did outgrow my fear of the dark or being a lone, but that fear transferred into fear of failure. I was afraid to fail in anything I did. Especially when I got to college. I went to college with the desire to be a pharmacist, but I was so afraid of failure. My very first exam I took was in general chemistry and I got a 76 out of 100. I was so discourage and honestly felt like a failure after that first exam and that fear started to kick in again. I was afraid I was going to fail college, but by God's grace I graduated from pharmacy school with a doctorate, with honors, and two minors in Chemistry and Microbiology. So how did I get over this fear?!?!

1. Spend Time In Scripture 

It all started with renewing my mind. I had to change my negative thinking and put it towards positive thinking. I spent time DAILY in the word of God. Two weeks ago I shared bible verses on overcoming fear, click here to read the blog with the bible versus. I really meditated on God's Word daily and I spoke positive words of affirmation over myself daily. Honestly, the word of God will set you free. It says in 2nd Corinthians 3:17 --"Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom." God's word is Holy Spirit filled, and in His word you find freedom and deliverance. 

2. Surround Yourself With People That Speak Life Into You

When I was in college, my family and friends would always speak life into me. Before any exam my mom would call me and pray for me and encourage me. My sisters would always encourage me and my dad would always encourage me too. I had a great support system surrounding me. 

3. Go Through Your Fear and Have a Back Up Plan

If Pharmacy School didn't work out for me, my back up plan was to go to Medical School. If Medical School wasn't going to work, then I was going to be a physician assistant. Regardless, I knew I was going to end up in the medical field and was going to be helping people. I think when you have a back up plan to something fears you, it helps to take the fear away. 

That's all readers! Thanks for reading!
If you have any other suggestions on overcoming 
fear leave a comment down below!
Stay tuned next week I will be dropping a new story. 

Always Keeping it Real,
Titiana Ngongang


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