Life Lessons Learned in your 20's: "One Step At a Time"

Hello Readers!!!

Welcome to week 2 of my new series on Life, Faith &Love titled Life Lessons Learned in my 20's. Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from my younger sister Marvellous. She titles her life lesson "One Step At A Time"

Marvellous: "There's a popular saying that goes, 'if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.' And I couldn't believe that anymore. Although I'm at the early stages of my 20's, I've already learned a whole lot as a young woman trying to make it in this world. My biggest lesson so far is that, not everything is going to go as planned. It's easy to get caught up with how you envision yourself to be and every detail to get there, but the blow will hurt so much more if you don't prepare yourself for the unexpected. I've learned to adjust, replan, and stay positive for life's curve balls.

Another thing I've learned is that, everyone has a different path in life. That's something you hear all the time, but it can be difficult to actually accept that when you see your peers doing things you wish you could, or things that you could be doing, but not doing it.

I'm learning to trust in God's plan for my life, and continue to learn more about myself and grow as an individual. I now understand why many say your 20's is your time to figure yourself out. So, the goal is to figure out who I truly am without letting so many others opinions and beliefs control me."

Life Lesson Individual

Marvellous is in her 20's and she is learning and growing each day. I know marvellous very well, as she is my sister, and I have seen soooo much growth! This young lady is studying biochemistry, with goals of attending Medical School or Physician Assistance School. She is beauty AND brains. Marvellous is wise beyond her years and very down to earth. If you want to follow her on instagram find her @marvellousn. 

As always, thank you for taking time to read my blog! Make sure to subscribe on my home page to get notifications each time I drop a new blog. Stay tuned for a new post next week Saturday.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


  1. I love the message! And agree wholeheartedly, to just take a breather and understand that what God has for you is made specifically for you.

    1. You bless my whole life with your comments Sis! Do you have a blog or platform that I can support you as well?!? You have been so encouraging to me on this blogging journey<3


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