Deliverance from Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, and Pornography: Testimonies (Lemia's Story Final Part) Life, Faith &Love


Hey Readers,

Welcome back to Lemia's powerful testimony. This is the last and final part of her story. If you have not read part 1 and 2, I recommend you read those first before reading this final part. Click here for part 1 and click here for part 2. I'll allow you to finish reading Lemia's testimony and then I will end with 3 pearls that I got from her testimony. 

Let's Dive Into Her Story: 

Lemia's Testimony Final Part

"Reviewing my life with God, He pinpointed some things that really shifted me to where I am now. The first placement was when I was attempting to take my life. He made it clear that the voice in my head wasn’t just a voice but His voice, He saved me because I have a purpose that He needs me to fulfill. The second placement was the man that I met, He said if He didn’t place him in my life at that particular time I would have fallen and He knew that I would not be able to get back up by myself so He placed that man in my life to help pull me out of my darkness of death and that “light” that I couldn’t explain wasn’t just any light but it was the God in him that was piercing through and the reason why I couldn’t recognize it was simply because my soul was lost and couldn’t recognize my Father shining through him. The last placement was when I had corona, He said that it brought me to seek Him in a way that would be faithfully consistent and that trust was what I needed in order to make a breakthrough so that I can really fulfill the purpose that He already assigned for me He just needed me to clear my mind so that He can install the vision that He has already plan for me.


This journey was not easy but it’s not over, it’s only the beginning, and it’s going to get even better. There is still a lot that needs to be done and there is a lot that I need to learn and master but I finally feel like I am where I am supposed to be embracing it all the good and the bad. Like I always say I don’t like where I am at but I love where I am going."

Here are some pearls I got out of Lemia's Testimony

1. "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." -Proverbs 4:23. We guard our hearts, by guarding what we see, hear and choose to believe. Hearing about pornography from school, led to watching pornography, which then led to planting seeds in the heart and opening the door for the devil to attack. 

2. "His sheep follow Him, because they know His voice and a voice of a stranger they will NOT follow." -John 10:4-5. God spoke to Lemia and told her that things would get better, not to give up and not to take her life, but the devil was also speaking to her too.  It's important to be able to distinguish God's voice and the devil's voice. Only in spending time with God, will we be able to discern His voice, but always remember this, God speaks life and the devil speaks lies. 

3.  "Now where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." -2nd Corinthians 3:17 In Christ we are set free from fear, depression, anxiety, and addiction. We can't do it on our own strength, we need the power of the Holy Spirit, who sets us free. Seek Him and you'll find freedom. 

I usually don't write pearls on testimonies, but Lemia's story was so powerful and I felt led to share some key things we could learn from her story. Again, thanks for taking time to read this week blog. Stay tuned I will be sharing a new testimony NEXT week. Also, I really appreciate the testimonies/stories I am receiving. Please keep sending them, send testimonies to my email: 

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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