Wednesday Wisdom: Worrying Is For the Birds
Hey Readers!!!
Welcome to Wednesday Wisdom. This week I will be focusing on WORRYING... y'all let me tell you this, I have been told that I had a bad habit of worrying about things that were many years down the road or things that may NEVER happen. I realized that worrying robbed me of my peace and effected my health. Worrying can raise your blood pressure y'all and trust elevated blood pressure is NOT good for your health. So I started to ask myself WHY am I worrying?! Will this worrying add any benefits to my life? It will not at all, it'll instead subtract from my life. There are three basic tools that I have applied that have enabled me to decrease worrying by A LOT.
1. Fix It, or Pray and Let Go
When I find myself worrying, if it's something that I can change, I will fix it. If you are worrying about something that is in your control, do something about it! The sooner you take care of it, the better. Unfortunately, most of the things we worry about are out of our control. Worry stems from lack of control of an outcome. Another tool I use when I am worrying is prayer. I use two scriptures that I meditate on. They’re 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. If the worry is out of my control, I cast it unto God in prayer and scripture and then I let go.
2. A Problem Half Shared is Half Solved
There is power in venting/sharing cares. We were not created to live alone, we need each other. I wrote a blog on this topic called No Man Is an Island , click the link to read. I am super thankful for the support system I have in my life. They check in on me, pray for me and listen to me when I need to vent. I find whenever I share my worry it helps. The problem may not be solved, but I at least know someone is praying over the topic for me and emotionally supporting me through the matter.
3. Find Healthy Outlets
Working out, watching movies and relaxing are my healthy outlets. In the midst of a work out my body is in pain and it sucks! But by the end of that work out, I feel goooodddd! Endorphins, dopamine and other neurotransmitters are released that help to reduce stress in your body. After a good work out on the drive home, I use that time to intentionally think about the positive things happening in my life. I use that time to count my blessings and shift my perspective on the good. Find healthy outlets that help you release stress and make you feel good.
As always thank you for taking time to read this blog! Stay tune for this Saturday last week of Life Lesson Learned in 20's and keep a look out for my NEW series called What I wish I knew Before I got Married.
Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life Faith &Love

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