Life Lesson Learned in 20's: "Your Habits in Your 20's can influence your 30's and beyond"
Hello Readers!!!
Welcome to week 8 of the series on Life, Faith &Love titled Life Lessons Learned in my 20's. Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from a writer name Eni! She opens up about her dating experiences and what she's learned from dating in her 20's so far.
Here's Eni Wisdom:
"Some people may think that their 20’s is a time for fun and careless abandon. While that may beHere's Eni Wisdom:
true, there are lots of lessons that you can learn during this period, and you can bring these
teachings with you for a better 30’s and beyond. Here are just some of them.
1. This is the time to develop lifelong friends
Your 20’s will pose lots of challenges as well as changes in your life. Look out for those
who are around you through thick and thin. These are the friends that you would most
likely have for the rest of your life and should be treasured.
2. Take care of your health
You may feel invincible during this period, but excessive drinking and staying up late at
night will take a toll on you further down the road. Habits take a while to hold, so invest
in good ones while you’re still young.
3. Save money
Stash a small portion of your salary each month to build up a nest egg for the future. You
can put it in a 401K or just open a bank account. This can be used for big purchases,
investments, your future family, or emergencies. Your future self will thank you one day.
4. Enjoy life
We will never know what the future would bring us. As such, make sure to live every
moment and make each day special not only for you but for those around you. Relax,
take a breath, and be thankful for the blessing that is your life.
Life Lesson Individual
I'm a goal-driven medical student pursuing a career in pediatrics. I have a passion for food, travel, science, and medicine. I hope to use my knowledge and experience to enlighten others. As I get older, I realize that I have two hands. one hand for helping myself and the other for uplifting and giving back to others. There is a level of satisfaction in doing my part to turn this tearful world into a cheerful world. Hobbies include watching LOTS AND LOTS of anime, sketching or painting, hanging out with friends and family and shopping. Visit my social media @long4medicine; let's chat about life, education, relationships and more.
As always thanks for taking time to read this blog! Stay tuned for next week blog posts both, Wednesday Wisdom and Saturday's Life Lesson. Make sure to subscribe to this blog and send me an email @Ngongang94@gmail with your life lesson if you'd like to be featured on this blog.
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

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