Life Lessons Learned in 20's: "Listen, Love, &Learn"
Hello Readers!!!
Welcome to week 9 of the series on Life, Faith &Love titled Life Lessons Learned in my 20's. Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from one of my good friends who wants to remain anonymous. She shares her 20's Life Lessons.
1. Parents have a lot of wisdom and when we're in our early twenties, we may not heed to it. My parents tried to speak some wisdom into me and caution me on certain things I should or should not do. Things such as where I should go to school and getting married. In the moment I didn't heed to their caution. I still did my own thing. We live in a world where it's all about me and I'm going to do me. But I want to tell you that you need people. You need wise people around you that will caution you when you're going down the wrong road. Listen to wise counsel.
2. Use protection!!! If you're out here having Eros type of love, use protection, we don't need anymore illegitimate children out here. You can get a box of condoms for the same amount of getting a box of tic tacs. Plus, bring the tic tacs because you'll need them for your breath if you're having sex. Bringing a child into the world when you're not ready will end up hurting that child. Don't be selfish. Use protection!
3. Make sure you are self aware before you bring another person into your life. Learn what you like, what you don't like, go on a trip alone. Spend some quality time a lone by yourself. Learn your strengths and weaknesses. A better understanding of yourself will help you make better life decisions and will help you make one of the most important decisions, which is your life partner.
As always, thanks everyone for taking time to read today's blog post. I will be rounding up this series next week, but the good news is that I will be starting a new series I title, "What I Wish I Knew Before I got Married". I will be sharing other married couples wisdom of things they wish they knew before they got married. Stay tuned for the next series, I know that it's going to be FIRE.
Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

1. Parents have a lot of wisdom and when we're in our early twenties, we may not heed to it. My parents tried to speak some wisdom into me and caution me on certain things I should or should not do. Things such as where I should go to school and getting married. In the moment I didn't heed to their caution. I still did my own thing. We live in a world where it's all about me and I'm going to do me. But I want to tell you that you need people. You need wise people around you that will caution you when you're going down the wrong road. Listen to wise counsel.
2. Use protection!!! If you're out here having Eros type of love, use protection, we don't need anymore illegitimate children out here. You can get a box of condoms for the same amount of getting a box of tic tacs. Plus, bring the tic tacs because you'll need them for your breath if you're having sex. Bringing a child into the world when you're not ready will end up hurting that child. Don't be selfish. Use protection!
3. Make sure you are self aware before you bring another person into your life. Learn what you like, what you don't like, go on a trip alone. Spend some quality time a lone by yourself. Learn your strengths and weaknesses. A better understanding of yourself will help you make better life decisions and will help you make one of the most important decisions, which is your life partner.
As always, thanks everyone for taking time to read today's blog post. I will be rounding up this series next week, but the good news is that I will be starting a new series I title, "What I Wish I Knew Before I got Married". I will be sharing other married couples wisdom of things they wish they knew before they got married. Stay tuned for the next series, I know that it's going to be FIRE.
Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

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