"Healing After Heart Break" --Testimony (Life Faith &Love)


Hey Readers!

I hope you are all having a LOVELY week and you have been productive so far. I've been busy with work this week, per usual, but so far, so good! This week testimony comes from an individual that would prefer to stay anonymous. Her testimony is very encouraging, something I believe most people have dealt with at least once in their life. She shares her testimony on how she overcame heartbreak. Let's dive into this week testimony!

"I've been a Christian my whole life, got baptized and always believed in Christ. After one church camp, I received the gift of tongues. When I was in 10th or 11th grade I met a guy from church. I was excited, because I was like he's a Christian, things will surely work out. It was awesome, we went to church and youth group together and I thought, this was a God given boyfriend. Ever since then, I was really focused on my boyfriend. I didn't even realize that he had became my life. My priority was him, I realized I was only going to church to see him. He had become an idol in my life. That relationship lasted about 2 - 2.5 years. 

Even though this guy was from church, he took me far away from God. I started to distance myself from God and didn't have the same relationship with God like I did before. I let myself get really far away from God, than I should have. It got to a point that him and I would always fight, I'd be crying all night, it was just bad. After 2.5 years he told me that he didn't love me anymore and broke up with me. I was really heartbroken. Even though that relationship was not healthy and took me far away from God, I was still really broken when it ended. I ended up blaming God and I was very angry. I started questioning God for bringing him into my life and then taking the guy away from me. I started pushing myself further away from God. 

I honestly just started going through the motions, I was too sad and stuck in my sorrow. After a while I randomly got a revelation. I was like I know that God did this for a reason. He must have known that if I would have stayed with that relationship it would have been destructive for me. A peace started to come upon me. Usually when people get out of a 2.5 year relationship, it could take 6 months to 1 year to get over the person, but God healed me within 3 months after the relationship. God gave me that peace and love. God reassured me that He took that guy out of my life because He had someone better for me. God's grace is just so good, because no matter how hard I tried, He'd never me. He still loved me and that's what is amazing. I came out of that relationship a changed person, because even though I'd been Christian my whole life, it was in that breakup that I finally understood what it means to be a child of God."

I believe many can relate to this week testimony. Most have had their heartbroken at least once in their life. I know I sure have, but the sweet thing about Jesus is that He is close to the broken hearted, heals and restores. Only Him can fill any empty voids we have. Go to Him if you are currently dealing with a heartbreak! This week testimony is short, but still very powerful! Stay tuned for next week's testimony is about to be POWERFUL! Thanks again for reading!

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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