From "New Age" to Christianity: Testimony (Life, Faith &Love)


Hey Readers,

Welcome back to Life, Faith &Love.  This week flew by you guys! I'm surprised that it's Thursday already, wooahh where does time go?!?! Before you know it, we'll be saying goodbye to 2020. I'm sure a lot of you will be excited to kiss this year goodbye. It's brought a lot of challenges, but with most challenges growth usually stems forth as well. Anywhoooseee enough about 2020, let's get into the focus of this blog. Initially testimonies was going to be for the month of September, but I've really enjoyed this series and have received great testimonies. I will continue sharing these testimonies until I have no more or until the Lord leads me to stop. 

I am SUPER excited for this week testimony! Wwwoowww did it blow my mind. A bit of a disclaimer, I want to quote 2nd Timothy 1:7 -- "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." I say this because this week testimony sheds light on the spiritual world. What we see with our naked eye maybe physical, but behind that there is a spiritual realm. I start off by saying fear NOT! This week testimony sharer decided to stay anonymous. I know you will be blessed by this week testimony. Let's dive into part 1 of this week testimony: Deceived by New Age to Christianity. 

"I first started this meditation process when I was about 12 years old. My parents were going through a divorce so around that time I was dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety and I wasn't eating very well. My dad would always take me to the doctor's and every doctor would prescribe me medication and give me all these type of stuff I didn't want to take. I knew that it wasn't going to help. At that time, my dad was tired of taking me doctor's because nothing was helping, he took me to this last doctor and I explained to him how everywhere I went they wanted me to take medicine and I didn't want to do that. He agreed with me and said I didn't have to take medication, I could start meditating. Like it's so simple and so easy. He told me it was getting to know me and tuning into myself. At the time that was exactly what I wanted. I wanted my joy and happiness back. 

As soon as after that doctor's appointment I went home and went on Youtube and started looking up meditation music. I would lay there and just play music and started to relax. Sooner or later I started looking at suggest videos about how to find your spiritual self, spiritual guides, inner peace, mental health etc., I was really intrigued by that. It went from me finding something to relax and give me peace, to me finding who I really was. I really believed I was an indigo child. One meditation led to another and I started meditating from 2 hours a day to now 6 hours a day. I wasn't even going to school anymore. I really wanted to reach this higher self. The deeper you can meditate, the deeper you can find your inner "god". 

Soon enough I ran into shocker meditation, 7 levels of psychic energy sensors. I was really intrigued by the 3rd shocker. With doing shocker meditation I soon became chanting. Now I look at it, I'm like what in the world was I doing. I started practicing Mudra and hand practices. I started getting into astrology and could meet people and based of their characteristics identify their zodiac signs. My whole life revolved around astrology. Towards the end of my practice with meditating and New Age I started seeing aura's on people. After a while of meditating, some days from 2 to 6 hours, I kid you not, I started feeling presence in my room. Something would lay across me, or stand behind me. With meditating and New Age, they tell you, you have to protect yourself from bad energies that can come into your space, but what they don't tell you is that these energies are demons. They try to convince you that it's good and bad energies, but no, they are demons...." 

As I mentioned earlier in the blog, fear not. The spiritual realm is so real, Ephesians 6:12 says "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." I believe everything our testimony sharer this week speaks of. As a born again Christian, I have experienced spiritual warfare, it is real. Thank God for JESUS who has given us authority over all powers and principalities. Stay tuned for part 2 of this week testimony. I will be posting it on Saturday. Again if you have a testimony to share, please email me at I can keep you anonymous if you'd prefer. 

As always, THANKS for reading!!!

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

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