From "New Age" to Christianity: Testimony Part 2 (Life, Faith &Love)


Hey Readers,

Welcome back to part 2 of this week testimony. This week testimony shed light on spiritual warfare. Something that is very real, but one should not walk in fear. We have authority through Christ Jesus to trample on snakes and scorpions and NOTHING by all means shall hurt us. Fear not. This will be the final part to this week testimony. Please don't forget to email me your testimonies to

"I continued meditating and realized that I started attracting demons to myself. It got so bad to the point that I saw one with my naked eye in daylight in my kitchen in my house. My friend was over and I literally just screamed. I knew of a Jesus, but didn't have a personnel relationship with him. It got so bad that I asked my friend to pray for me, she wasn't very into the Christian faith either, but when she prayed, she said Jesus and I felt a shift in the spirit. 

I started investigating more into this whole Christianity thing. Learning more about the power in the name of Jesus. I stopped meditating and started learning about the gift of salvation. I asked God for forgiveness and repented of my ways. For a while I kept experiencing spiritual warfare, but the closer I got to God, the more I started to feel freedom. I fully got delivered after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. With prayer and fasting, I was set free. 

Anyone considering practicing any type of "New Age" practices I highly discourage you from doing it. It will only put you in bondage and opens the door for the devil to create a havoc in your life. Don't do it."

Thanks for reading this week testimony! I hope you found it to be a blessing. We as Christians have to be wise of the tricks of the devil. There are many things in the world that appear to be harmless practices, but spiritually they can negatively effects us. 

Stay tuned for next week testimony, I hope you all have blessed week ahead!!

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang


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