Q&A: Get to know me a little better!

Hey T-Gang,

Welcome back to Life, Faith &Love. Y'all editing videos takes me FOREVER! Which is slower at walking a turtle or snail? I'm not sure which is, but whoever is the winner, that is the rate of my editing. It takes me a good minute haha. I'm trying to get faster, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and want things to look a certain way and I also work full time. Annyywayyysss... while I edit episode 2, of "What I wish I knew before I got married" I thought i'd post a quick Q&A. People say I'm really private with my life, which I kind of am haha, but thought i'd let y'all in and answer some questions. Well... here we go...

1. Where am I from?

I was born in Cameroon. It is a country located in the continent of Africa. Cameroon is geographically located in the Western part of African and borders other countries such as Nigeria, Chad, and Equatorial Guinea etc., I lived in Cameroon for five years and then came to the U.S. I've been in U.S.A. for 20 years now. Which makes me 25, turning 26 this year! Y'all I'm getting OLD haha... soon I'm going to have to start popping babies out LOL!

2. What's my Occupation?
I went to North Dakota State University and studied pharmacy for 7 years. It was a lllloonnggg 7 years guys, but weirdly the time went by fast at the same time. I'm super thankful that God gave me the grace to push through those 7 years and today I am a pharmacist. Some days I love it and other days..... suck and can be very stressful. Just being real, not everyday on the job is the best, but I'm thankful for a job and my occupation.

This or That (Type of Questions)
So I couldn't really think of what else to tell y'all so I downloaded a app called PartQ's that asked me a bunch of random questions about myself, so here you go. I'm going to share the This or That questions:

1. Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew? I'm a Mountain Dew type of girl! I love sweet things. I have a really bad sweet tooth. I love cookies and a lot of diff type of bake goods. If you ever want to make me happy, buy me a box of soft and thick cookies and i'll be happy!

2. Walmart or Target? I instantaneously would use to say Walmart, but now I have to think about it, because the pharmacy I work at is inside a Target.... I kind of like both, but if I had to pick, i'd still say I'm a Walmart type of girl.

3. Cute Cat or Failed Attempt Videos? Definitely the failed attempt videos. I do NOOOTTTT like cats. They actually scare me haha. This African would rather watch failed attempt videos all day errr'day!

4. Red Wine or White Wine? NEITHER.... Fun fact guys, I don't drink! Liquor does not exist in this body. I have nothing against alcohol, my close friends, family members and my current significant other drinks. My partner is a social drinking. I have nothing against alcohol, it's just not for me!

5. Am I dating or Am I single? 
Y'all I've actually gotten this question a lot. I am in a relationship. I am taken! My partner is my knucklehead of a bestfriend, but he's also my sweetheart and I wouldn't trade him for any other.

6. Winter or Summer?
I'm a summer girl! I dislike winter, even though I live in such a COLD state (MN)! I was born in August, in Africa, so it's only natural that i'd be a summer type of girl haha.

I answered a lot more questions on my Youtube video itself. I just kept it short on my blog, so the blog isn't crazy long. Watch the Youtube Video to get all my answers to my questions. Like I said making content takes me a while. I'm editing episode 2 of "What I wish I knew before I got married." My goal is to have it up by this weekend. Stay tuned. If you guys have any other questions that you'd like for me to answer, please leave them down below in the comment section. 

If you haven't yet, make sure to subscribe to my blog newsletter and also to my Youtube channel.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

Q&A: Get to Know Me a Little Better


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