Episode 2: "What I Wish I Knew Before I got Married"

Hey T-Gang,

Welcome to week 2 of "What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married".  Episode 2 is going to be in two parts, because I didn't want the content to be too long! I got the lovely opportunity to interview Mrs. Augusta Sternberg. I did a virtual interview with her due to Uncle Rona! But here's a little info on Augusta. She is a 27 year old wife, retired veteran, and a stay at home mom. She stated that her life went from one extreme to another extreme. Regardless of it all, she's happy to be alive.

Point 1: Do NOT IDOLIZE Marriage

Augusta shared how at a young age she kind of knew how her husband was going to look like. She had her word from God. The bad thing is that she idolized that word and started to idolize marriage. She believes God gave her that word to guide her and to help her not settle for what wasn't His will for her life, but she started idolizing marriage instead. That is point number 1 I can give y'all, do NOT idolize marriage. It's not the finish line, it's actually the beginning of the journey. She wished she would have calmed down and just gotten to know God. She really gave her life to Christ while in her marriage.

Point 2: It's Important to Prepare Yourself for the Reality of Life After I do

Augusta stated she was excited for the vanity of marriage. She looked forward to the wedding day, her dress, the Mrs. title, the cake etc., She had a Cinderalla fairytale that a lot women have, but was not ready for the life after I do. Point 2 it's important for all of us to do our parts to be prepared for life after I do. Otherwise the reality will hit us hard.

Point 3: Do Your Best to Deal with Previous Baggage and Have a Relationship with Christ

Similar to most people, Augusta was nervous if she was going to be "enough" in her marriage. She had, had previous relationships and she healed from them, but she had some wounds and baggage. She was nervous about that, but she quickly realized that her husband had baggage too. She stated that her and her husband got married quickly. Which she believes it was part of God's plan for them. It wasn't ideal circumstances, but they were able to heal together in their marriage and really give their lives over to Christ. She encourages women who are single now to really work on themselves before I do. Deal with your baggage and develop a personal relationship Christ before I do. 

Point 4: Pray For Your Future Spouse

If Augusta could go back to life before she got married. She would have been praying for her husband's salvation. She would have been praying for her husband to love God and know God. A lot of men without a relationship with God are a complete mess. Without God they don't have proper guidance. Depending on the mentors that they have around them, that will influence how they treat their wives if they don't have a personal relationship with God.

Point 5: You Are Never "Ready"

No matter how many books you read, videos you watch, or podcast you listen to, you will never be fully ready for marriage. Everybody's marriage is different. You honestly learn as you go. You gradually learn to understand your spouse likes, dislikes, and how to resolve conflicts. From Augusta's experience, you learn as you go. So don't be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes as you go. We are all still learning. 

This is part 1 of my interview with Augusta. Part 2 will be posted this upcoming weekend. She shares more of her story/experience. I hope her story so far has been a blessing to you. Remember we are all in this thing together. All still growing and learning on this journey called life. If you have not yet subscribed to my blog newsletter or my Youtube channel, please do! It's FREE!

Always Keeping It Real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

Episode 2: What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married


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