My Why Behind My Blog: Life, Faith &Love

Hey T-Gang!

Sorry about missing last week post. I had to reschedule the interview with the next person I will be featuring next on the series, "What I wish I knew BEFORE I got Married." I have completed that interview though and I'm currently working on editing that video. I wanted to drop a quick blog and youtube video post to share my WHY behind my content. WHY do I write these blogs and make these videos?!?! That's a good question y'all, I'm still trying to figure that out haha JK, JK, JK. On a REAL note...

Ultimately life is unpredictable and will throw many things your way, but the beautiful thing about life is that it's full of soooo many sweet lessons. Some lessons can be joyful and great, and others can be bitttaaahhh, like "Bitterkola". All my Africans out there know BitterKola haha, but for real, life can be full of peppery moments. I want us to avoid those peppery/bitterkola moments. I want to share other people stories/lessons and hopefully it equips us to be more prepared for life. I also want us to read or watch about others success and possibly apply those steps in our lives. 

Ultimately y'all I just want us all to succeed in life. I want us to succeed in our relationships, in our mental health, decision making and in all aspects of life. I'm going to do my best to equip us.

If you have not yet subscribed to my blog, make sure that you do and check out the Youtube video to go along with this blog post. It's pretty funny!

Always Keeping It Real,
Titiana Ngongang



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