Wednesday Wisdom: The Power of Keeping Quiet

Over the years I have come to learn that the human tongue is one of the hardest objects to control. Our mouths are running so fast that sometimes we say things that should have never left our mouths in the first place. Proverbs 21:23 states, "Those who guard their mouths and their tongue keeps themselves from calamity." This means if we're not careful our mouths can put us in serious TROUBLE. There is POWER in keeping quiet.

Yesterday at work, I don't know what was in the water, but I had to deal with a lot of angry patients. They were angry about one thing or another and I was the one that had to deal with their anger. In the mist of being yelled at by some patients I had two options. I could either snap back and give them a piece of my mind (then jeopardize my job) or I could bite my tongue, keep quiet, and do my best to resolve their conflict (and keep my job). Thankfully, different circumstances over the years, taught me to pick my battles wises. I kept quiet and did my best to resolve their conflict. Some battles are just not worth fighting over, if you fight them, you will lose wwwaaayyyy more than you will profit.

I know you can probably think in your head of an instance when you got into it with someone. Maybe a co-worker, significant other, parent or friend, what happened when you decided to snap back? What was the outcome? Was the fighting worth it? Would keeping quiet have maybe avoided the conflict?

When I talk about keeping quiet, I don't condone allowing people to walk all over you or use you. Stand up for yourself if the need arises, but just pick your battles wisely. Some battles are NOT worth fighting over. Some battles will chew you up and spit you out in pieces. It'll cost you more than you'll gain. So before you clap back at your spouse, co-worker, parent, friend or patient ask yourself is this battle worth fighting? Will my mouth get me into a bigger mess? Think Twice.

Proverbs 10:19 --"Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongue."

Stay tuned for NEXT week Wisdom Wednesday. It's going to be a continuation of Keeping Quiet, but focusing on how to develop tools that will support us in learning how to keep quiet.

As always, thanks for taking time to read this blog! ALSO stay tuned for this week Saturday Life Lesson Learned in 20's post. It's going to be fiiirrreeee (good haha).

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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