Life Lessons Learned in 20's: "20's is for Exploration"

Hello Readers!!!

Welcome to week 6 of my new series on Life, Faith &Love titled Life Lessons Learned in my 20's. Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from a lovely young lady name Korma! She provides a lot of knowledge for you guys! I title Korma's lesson "20's is for Exploration".  


"Your 20's is for exploration. You should do everything you want to do, because in your 30's society puts "expectations" for you to start to settle down, have a family and think about your future. Enjoy your 20's because once you hit your 30's your like man, I've already lived a third of my life. Not necessarily the best way to look at it, but yeah. If you want to travel, then travel, if you want to move because of love or your spirit told you to move, then move. Your 20's is a good time to take risks and be adventurous. I major thing you shouldn't forget though is the habits you build in your 20's may last forever. So if you're going to be eating burgers everyday, that maybe the thing that you might be eating for the rest of your life. If you can create good lifestyle habits in your 20's because those habits will build into 30's. Also, don't take yourself too spiritually yet because there is much of that to come in the future.

What I would tell my 20 year old self is: Everything is going to be okay, don't worry too much because will fall into place, the way that they are suppose to. Live life, make some good choices that you want to create as habits.

The friendships you create in your 20s are friendships that tend to last longer. So you should be strategic about the type of relationships you're creating.

Lastly, be patient with yourself. Things will work out the way they are suppose to."

Life Lesson Individual

Here's a little bit about Korma: "I'm Nigerian came to usa to study in 2002. Many years later at 30 something years old, I learned that life is a whole learning experience and there's no rush. Got married in my 30's to my boo. I'm a business analyst , proud Afro dance business owner, proud aunty and wife. I love God, food, dancing and hanging out with friends and family." 

If you want to take some fun and fit afro-dance classes find Korma on instagram! She comes up with great choreography. Her instagram is @Afrocontigbo.

As always thanks for reading my blog! Stay tuned for next week Wisdom Wednesday. I will continue to discuss the Power of Keeping Quiet!!

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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