Life Lessons Learned in 20's: "Pearls of Wisdom in 20's"

Hello Readers!!!

Welcome to week 5 of my new series on Life, Faith &Love titled Life Lessons Learned in my 20's. Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from my CLOSE friend Mary! She provides a lot of knowledge for you guys! I title Mary lessons "Pearls of Wisdom in 20's". 


"Things I’ve learned in my 20’s:

Don’t. Rush. Take time to get to know yourself (I Know it sounds cliché) But ACTUALLY get to Know yourself; what do you really enjoy/ don’t like without anyone’s influence? What are your core values/ Principles? —These will govern your life and your affairs. This will help sift the type of Jobs, people and situations that you align yourself with. Explore new things, hobbies, places, desires without the influence of others and learn to love them as part of YOU. This goes along with…LEARN TO ENJOY YOUR OWN COMPANY. No, that’s not loneliness. 😊 only THEN will everything /everyone else will be an addition to your wholeness and you’ll learn to have healthy boundaries and… Ding. Ding. Ding. RELATIONSHIPS! You will learn that you won’t build with everyone you thought you’d build with and that’s OK. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or your 20 other friends are bad people, no. People Grow, and so do their desires, visions, goals that will ultimately steer them and you, each on your own paths. THAT’S OK. Learn to distinguish who are your coffee date, night out and shopping spree once in a while friends, and who are your friends to ride with that have the same vision, VALUES, who you can share with and they can cheer you on even if they don’t understand…and a bonus, they will also be your coffee dates, night out, night in, shopping, movies and everything! OH! And its ok if you find out that’s about 1-3 people. That’s ok, the BETTER. Id rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies.

Develop your personal Relationship with God...and Solidify it! This will be your anchor when life tries to knock the mess out of you. There’s a story in the bible where the disciple John was getting ready to be beheaded and you know what mans was doing? KNOCKED OUT!! The angel had to legit hit him to wake him up! There’s the 3 Hebrew boys that were thrown in the fire but came out untouched without even the smell of smoke! and Lastly when Jesus was KNOCKED OUT in the boat in the middle of a storm..? lol ( that’s actually a perfect description of me—Unbothered, I take naps when hell rises ) What am I trying to say? In short, life, people will try you and THEN SOME; and Life’s not perfect/ Peaches just because you know God, but I’ve learned that walking/ knowing God personally will make your wins look effortless 😊. Enjoy life and make the most of every moment, beginning with the small ones 😊"

Life Lesson Individual

Everyone this is Marrryyyy! She is a smart, wise, beautiful and a God-fearing woman. She is a RN/BSN and works like a boss. Mary is full of so much wisdom and is a light to everyone around her. I have known this woman for several years and I can vouch on her integrity, selflessness and hardworking nature. If you want to find her on social media, find her on facebook @MaryWanjiku!!

As always thanks for taking time to read my blog!! I do appreciate it. I will be adding a new segment on my blog called Wednesday Wisdom. Every Wednesday I will be sharing some Wisdom I learnt/found during the week. Stay posted for that!!!

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life,Faith &Love


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