"Weeping May Last for the Night, but Joy comes in the Morning" --Glory's Testimony Part 2

Hey Readers, Welcome back to this week testimony. I hope you are all having a lovely week so far and it hasn't been too busy. I'm excited for us to complete this week testimony. If you haven't read part 1, of Glory's testimony, I encourage you to read that first, by clicking here . Now let's continue with part 2 of Glory's testimony. Glory's Testimony Part 2 "The pain didn’t go away but day by day it was getting easier. I started laughing again, talking to my parents again. I started to regain my HOPE and FAITH. Months had gone by and not for one second did I cry. I started reading my bible again and re-establishing my relationship with God. He led me to start a prayer page on Instagram (@hisgloryherpraise) to help other young women in their walk with Christ. I started re-structuring my personal insta page to be more purposeful in my messages and giving God all the glory. I know what it feels like to walk through a season of darkness and I know there...