
Showing posts from September, 2020

"Weeping May Last for the Night, but Joy comes in the Morning" --Glory's Testimony Part 2

  Hey Readers, Welcome back to this week testimony. I hope you are all having a lovely week so far and it hasn't been too busy. I'm excited for us to complete this week testimony. If you haven't read part 1, of Glory's testimony, I encourage you to read that first, by clicking here . Now let's continue with part 2 of Glory's testimony.  Glory's Testimony Part 2 "The pain didn’t go away but day by day it was getting easier. I started laughing again, talking to my parents again. I started to regain my HOPE and FAITH. Months had gone by and not for one second did I cry. I started reading my bible again and re-establishing my relationship with God. He led me to start a prayer page on Instagram (@hisgloryherpraise) to help other young women in their walk with Christ. I started re-structuring my personal insta page to be more purposeful in my messages and giving God all the glory. I know what it feels like to walk through a season of darkness and I know there...

Weeping May Endure in the Night, but Joy Comes in the Morning: Glory Ashley Testimony

  Hey Readers, Welcome to a new week! As I post this, it is a Monday, so I want to be the first person to officially say "HAPPY NEW WEEK"!!! I know my week is going to be packed with 49 hours of work ahead, not including my blogging time. It'll be busy, but I have faith that you and I will push through the busy week ahead. I wish you all a productive, peaceful and purposed filled week ahead!  Now onto the purpose of this blog post, I am soooo excited to share this week testimony! This beautiful lady shares how she overcame the trials life threw her way. I believe her testimony will be relatable and will be a blessing in your life. Let's dive into Glory's story. GLORY'S TESTIMONY PART 1 "I’ve always known about God. I was born into and grew up in a Christian household. I loved God not because I had a personal relationship with him but because that’s who my parents believed in. I guess you could say I lived on borrowed faith (my parents’ that is). It wasn’t...

Deliverance from Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, and Pornography: Testimonies (Lemia's Story Final Part) Life, Faith &Love

  Hey Readers, Welcome back to Lemia's powerful testimony. This is the last and final part of her story. If you have not read part 1 and 2, I recommend you read those first before reading this final part. Click here for part 1 and click here for part 2. I'll allow you to finish reading Lemia's testimony and then I will end with 3 pearls that I got from her testimony.  Let's Dive Into Her Story:  Lemia's Testimony Final Part "Reviewing my life with God, He pinpointed some things that really shifted me to where I am now. The first placement was when I was attempting to take my life. He made it clear that the voice in my head wasn’t just a voice but His voice, He saved me because I have a purpose that He needs me to fulfill. The second placement was the man that I met, He said if He didn’t place him in my life at that particular time I would have fallen and He knew that I would not be able to get back up by myself so He placed that man in my life to help pull me ...

Deliverance from Suicidal Thoughts, Depression and Pornography: Testimonies (Lemia's Story Part 2)

  Hey Readers, Welcome to part 2 of Lemia's powerful testimony. If you haven't read part 1 yet, I strongly encourage you to read it first. Click here and you will be directed to part 1. Without further ado, let's get into Lemia's testimony. Lemia's Testimony Part 2 " Although those suicidal thoughts went away, I would still fall into depression at least 2-3 times every year and I could never understand why because I thought that the depression would leave alongside my suicidal thoughts. In Summer 2018 I knew it was going to be ugly because I recently lost a loved one and everything around me just felt like it was crashing but instead it was one of the best summers. Out of the blue, a man came into my life and changed everything. I didn’t know it at the time but he distracted me from my darkness. We would always tell each other how this even happened because we had absolutely no mutual friends at that time nor did we live in the same state but the connection we ...

Deliverance from Suicidal Thoughts, Pornography and Depression Testimony: Week 2 Testimony (Lemia) #LifeFaith&Love

  Hey Readers, I am so excited for you guys to read this week testimony. I am so proud of this beautiful young lady for being so brave and strong in her identity in Christ to share her story. Her testimony is powerful and I believe will be very relatable. Before we get into her testimony, I want to give you guys a few facts. According to the National Institute of Mental Health about 17.3 million people had at least 1 depressive episode in 2019, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2018 (taking 48,000 lives) and millions of people struggle with pornography addictions. The devil has so many people bound in chains and will do anything to get us distracted and out of God's purpose for our lives. Praise God one of our sister's in Christ has been able to conquer by the power of God depression, suicidal thoughts and pornography and today she boldly shares her testimony. If God did it for her, I know He can do it for you too. I will be sharing her testimony in...

Testimonies Heal: Week 1 "Sam T. Sentongo"

  Hey Readers, Welcome to the month of September!!! Unfortunately summer is slowly coming to an end and fall is quickly approaching. I hope you are all doing well despite the trying times of 2020. In the month of September I will be sharing YOUR testimonies! I am so excited to share your testimonies.  “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” —Revelations 12:11.  If you’re a Christian, like myself, you know the power of sharing your testimony. Not only does sharing our testimony help us heal, but our story can be the catalyst for healing in other’s lives. Let's dive into this week testimony. I am so excited to share Sam's testimony. It's so refreshing to see a young man after God's heart! In this day at age where money, sex, and material possessions are highly admired, it's refreshing to see that God is still at work in the lives of the young men in this generation. I believe Sam's testimony will be relatable and a...