Stepping Out of the 9 to 5 Work System Mindset

Hey Readers,

This is a random Monday post, but I feel led to write and share. I'm currently being stretched in this area and I believe someone else maybe able to relate or is going through the same thing. 

In my personal opinion, I believe the education system in the US builds its' students to be life long employees versus employers. We are built to go to school, study for years, graduate and then work under a corporate system for the rest of our lives. There is nothing wrong with a 9 to 5. They are great at providing stability in a home. You can pay bills, provide shelter and food for yourself and your family. Working under a corporate or a 9 to 5 is not a bad thing, actually it's critical for survival, but there is something powerful in having multiple streams of income or even OWNING your own company/platform. 

True financial liberation stems from multiple streams of income or even owning your own business. I am currently working on expanding my mindset on my occupation. Once I graduated from pharmacy school and I've been working as a pharmacist for a year now, I've found myself getting complacent. I'm currently trying to stretch myself though.

I believe you might be like me. You might be comfortable in your 9 to 5 job, but you have so many gifts and talents inside of you. I want to encourage you to begin to dream. Every single dream or business venture you've ever thought of, brings those out again and begin to brainstorm new ideas. Once you have your idea, let go of your fears and once you feel it's the right time, step out on faith on it. Let's grow in this area together.

During the week, I will post on random topics that I feel led to share, and I will be starting a shorter two week series this Thursday titled "Covid Stories". The stories will be short stories, but it's going to be me sharing other people's stories on Covid's impact on their lives. I hope you all stay posted for that. 

As always thanks for reading!

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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