Last Episode: What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married --From a man's view
Hello Readers,
My sincere apologies for the delayed wrap up on this blog series. Sincerely I have no justifiable reason for not posting this blog much earlier. Although I do enjoy blogging and making videos, my consistency with my content making honestly sucks (I'm real with myself).
Nonetheless, I wanted to still finish off this series because it was beneficial to me. I had the privilege to interview an amazing speaker name Jonathan Jones. It was refreshing hearing a man's perspective on tools to use to equip yourself for marriage. Jonathan regularly speaks at speaking engagements, has a podcast and also him and his wife have an instagram account together. To sign up for a speaking engagement and to check out his Beyond the Ball podcast at: Him and his wife instagram is @TogetherWeJones
Here is Jonathan's Wisdom:
"I was looking forward to doing life with someone. Marriage is the best form of personal development there is. I was excited to build legacy and continue to grow with a partner. Even though growth can be painful, we're sharpening each other and getting stronger together. I was nervous about the perception that's put on the two partners. People will always tell you what you're suppose to and what she's suppose to be. We had to develop our own roles we wanted to set and discuss in our marriage. I was also nervous for the responsibility that is required. There are things that have to be done that I don't want to do, but they have to be done for the betterment of the home.
I have a tendency to be selfish sometimes. For example, you wake up in the morning and you might just be thinking about food for yourself, but you have to shift your mind to think about food for the both of you. I wish I got out more selfishness before I got married, because now bringing that into the marriage is now being dealt with in real time and that hurts more. So I wish I got rid of that more before marriage. Secondly, I wish I got rid of student loan debt before getting married. My debt has become our debt and I really wish I took care of more of that before I do. The good thing is both of our cars are paid off.
Before I got married I went through a 12 step biblical recovery and counseling. I saw a therapist for like two years before that. I had some stuff I had to get off. My wife and I dated for like 5 months and then I was like wow, this is the best girlfriend I've had, and then I broke up with her. I couldn't be vulnerable with her, nor really open up to her. So I worked on myself first and then my wife and I went through pre-marital counseling before getting married. All this really helped us out.
Always remember that being single is just as great as being married is. I'm a man of faith and I believe the scripture says it's better to be alone. You don't have to check in with anyone, you can come and go as you please. Really enjoy your singleness if you are single, really identify your purpose and then you'll be able to better identify who is suppose to be your partner."
Jonathan's interview was AMAZING... he went into detail on what it means for him to love his wife as Christ loves the church. Also shared some great books and resources that he used to prepare himself for marriage. To watch the full video click the link down below and make sure to check out Jonathan's podcast and instagram.
As always thanks for reading guys!
Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang

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