Trusting God in 2019
Hello everyone! I hope you all were safe, yet had fun breaking into the new year. Wow, it's still crazy to me how fast 2018 went by. Time definitely does fly by. I want to start off my first blog of 2019, by saying welcome to 2019. I know New Year's resolutions are a big deal when a new year begins. I am all for change, but last year during the New Year I proposed saying NO to New Year resolutions and saying YES to life time solutions. If you're interested in that blog, click on Lifestyle Solution. This year I want to encourage you to start of the new year by intentionally choosing to TRUST God.
Choosing to trust God can be easier said than done. I walked through a really hard season in 2018, things have dramatically improved, but to be honest at times I still struggle with this. There was something I was praying and asking God for in 2018. Y'all I asked God numerous times. I prayed, fasted, told friends about it for corporate prayer, I tried to do everything "right", and regardless of everything I did, I still did not get what I wanted. I was born in a christian home, but I became intentional about my walk with God for the past 9 years. I say this because this isn't the first time God has told me no before. Other times, I accepted it and continued to trust. I guess I was so emotionally, mentally and physically invested in this desire. How everything ended almost felt like God was leaving me with a painful NO. I was upset, heartbroken and started to doubt my discernment to God's voice and started to doubt God's promises for my life.
So how did I get over this crappy season of doubting God? Speaking, Scripture &Gratitude elevated me out of that season.
Choosing to trust God can be easier said than done. I walked through a really hard season in 2018, things have dramatically improved, but to be honest at times I still struggle with this. There was something I was praying and asking God for in 2018. Y'all I asked God numerous times. I prayed, fasted, told friends about it for corporate prayer, I tried to do everything "right", and regardless of everything I did, I still did not get what I wanted. I was born in a christian home, but I became intentional about my walk with God for the past 9 years. I say this because this isn't the first time God has told me no before. Other times, I accepted it and continued to trust. I guess I was so emotionally, mentally and physically invested in this desire. How everything ended almost felt like God was leaving me with a painful NO. I was upset, heartbroken and started to doubt my discernment to God's voice and started to doubt God's promises for my life.
So how did I get over this crappy season of doubting God? Speaking, Scripture &Gratitude elevated me out of that season.
1.) Speak
The devil wants us isolated and wants us to fight our battles alone. Remember when Eve was tempted by the serpent in the garden of Eden? Eve was alone and the serpent had easier access to attack her mind and manipulate her into sinning against God. Similarly, when we isolate ourselves and aren't transparent about our struggles with others, the devil can build strongholds in our minds and keep us captive. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, "Two is better than one because they are a good return of labor. If either of them falls down one can help the other up." I opened up to one of my sisters. I told her I was struggling with trusting God, due to being disappointed. She started to remind me of all the times God came through for me and how it is ONLY by His grace that I am who I am today. To be honest, all the things she told me I already knew, but hearing her say it was reaffirming and I felt like God was speaking directly to me. So I encourage you to tell someone what you are struggling with.
2.) Scripture
There is nothing more powerful than the word of God. During the season I struggled with trusting God, I started reading the book of Psalms. Psalms is full of promises that God has for his children. I had a journal and I'd write down bible verses that applied to my situation. The image above is a post it I used to write down scriptures of God's promises for my life. I would write down the scriptures and apply my name to the scripture. One of my favorite scriptures was Psalm 84:12 --"O Lord of hosts, BLESSED is the man who TRUSTS in You!" When we put our trust in Jesus, we will be blessed, because He sees the big picture. In the moment what we want seems perfect for us, but He sees all and knows all. Ultimately, He knows what is best for us. I encourage you to open up your bible and mediate on the word of God. The Word empowers us to trust in Jesus.
As always, thank you for reading this blog. I believe you got something applicable out of it.
Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang

3.) Gratitude
There is something so powerful about staying positive. I know it's not always easy to stay positive, but projecting positive energy into the world, helps to attract positive energy towards you. Literally every single day I am intentional at taking time to focus on the good in my life. I might be driving, might have just woken up, or maybe washing dishes; regardless of the time, I am intentional to focus on good. I am surrounded by God's love, love from family and friends, and by God's grace I have a bright future ahead of me and so do you. Focus on the good and focus on all the times God came through for you and was always on time.
Celebrity Focus
I thought it only fitting for Jesus to be this blog celebrity focus. As you can see He stands waiting with arms wide open patiently waiting for you. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and He rose again 3 days later and He is the way to our Father. Jesus Christ is the only way. He loves you so much and desires to walk with you through this thing called life. If you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord as Savior and you don't know in your heart if heaven is your home. Please repeat these words out loud and believe the words in your heart, "Jesus, I am a sinner. I have disappointed you with my words and actions, but Lord thank You for the blood of Jesus that cleanses me and makes me whole. Today, Jesus I ask for you to please come into my life, have my heart and be my Lord and Savior." If you said this for the first time, I want to welcome you into the Kingdom of God. I encourage you to find a local church to get plugged into. Join community and get a bible to start meditating on the Word of God.
As always, thank you for reading this blog. I believe you got something applicable out of it.
Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang

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