Say NO to New Year's Resolution and Say YES to Lifestyle Solutions

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It's about that time of the year when Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is blowing with, "New Year, New Me" posts. If only if we were Cinderella and had a fairy godmother to magically transform us before the clock strikes midnight. Let's be real, most of us will still be the same from 11:59pm to 12:00am. We don't magically change overnight, it's a continual progress. My intentions for this blog is not to discourage you, but to help you change your perspective on New Year Resolutions.

Studies show that only 8% out of 45% of new year resolutions are successful. That means that 37% of resolutions are unsuccessful. Most of these resolutions are unsuccessful because they are vague, not well planned out and are extremely difficult. I am included in the 37% that has experienced an unsuccessful New Year's Resolution. Although I may have experienced an unsuccessful resolution, I have successfully experienced a lifestyle solution.

Lifestyle solution is a synonym for mini-goals. As mentioned above, most new year's resolutions are unsuccessful because they are too vague and little guidance to achieve. For example a new year resolution would state I want to eat healthy, while a lifestyle solution would be specific and state I want to eat a fruit as dessert instead of chocolate after lunch.

STEPS to achieve LIFESTYLE solutions

1.) Set one BIG, but REALISTIC goal with a time line (ex. I want to lose 10 pounds in 4 months)

2.) Set mini obtainable goals to accomplish your big goal (ex. I'm going to exercise on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for 50 minutes each and I will eat a Salad for my lunch Monday-Friday).

3.) Plan/Organize your schedule to accommodate with your goal. (ex. Meal prep your salad the night before or pack your lunch for work. When your meal is prepped and ready, this increases your chances of achieving your goal).

4.) Tell Someone about both your big and mini-goals. When we have some accountability from others, it helps to keep us more disciplined.

5.) START NOW. Studies show that the more we procrastinate to start something, the less likely we'll do it.

6.) Give yourself grace and patience. If you fall into temptation and eat really bad one day, that doesn't mean you should go back to your old habits. Start over and continue with the process.

All in all, life is a continual process of growth and self in betterment. I heard a quote from a movie I watched recently, "The moment you decide to make a change in your life, do it immediately. The longer you wait, it might be too late." If you have a goal in mind, start now. I encourage you to use the 6 steps above to accomplish your lifestyle solution. I believe 2018 is going to be a great year for all of us. I'd love to hear some of your goals, feel free to leave a comment below and share.

Celebrity Focus

This month celebrity blog focus is YOU! No celebrity can represent lifestyle solution as well as you. Make this New Year about YOU! Focus on accomplishing those new goals you set for yourself. Whether if that means loving others more, loving yourself more, growing in faith, getting better grades etc., make this year about self in betterment. I have faith in you and I know you can do it!

**Please note I will be recording a YouTube video this week to go along with this blog post.**

Much Love,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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