He is doing Something New: Happy New Year: 2021 !


Hey Readers,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We SURVIVED 2020 wwooohhhooo! If you're like me, 2020 came with a lot of lessons, tests and also blessings. The year was definitely a ride. I'm happy to kiss 2020 goodbye and welcome 2021! I truly believe God has great plans to do a new thing in each of our lives this new year. I believe anything we may have lost in 2020 will be restored in 7x full this year. God is not a man that He should lie. He is a clever God and is ALWAYS working out things for our GOOD. 

All the goals that you've had for your life up to this point, I want to encourage you to take those goals back to God in prayer this new year. He is doing something new and I believe He wants to revive those dreams and even give you new vision and ideas. In 2021 I plan to share a bit more of my journey and lessons that I learning in my quiet time with God. He is always teaching me something new and as He leads me, I will be sharing with you. I will still be sharing people's stories though, that's not going anywhere, but FaithFilledFriday Blog Post are here to stay. 

As always thank you for reading! Happy New Year again Readers <3

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang


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