DR Congo Crisis: Patience's Story


Hey Readers,

Welcome back to Life, Faith &Love, where I share peoples stories. This week I am focusing on stories from the country of Congo. Congo is a very rich in resources in the land. Mining is a very common profession there because the soil is rich with cobalt (what we use in phones, laptops etc.,) and many other vital minerals. Hence many other western countries are focused on the resources in the soil and have been exploiting the resources for decades. I like to give a bit a history on the country I'm talking about before I share someone's story from the country. I really like BBC news break down on the Congo Crisis. Watch the video below before proceeding to today's story.

BBC Congo Crisis History

Now that you've watched the video, you now have a bit of history on the events that took place in Congo that led to where they are today. Now I will move onto sharing a brave young ladies story. Her name is Patience's. Her story is very disheartening, but things improved in her life so the ending is not as sad. Make sure to check the citation section to see where I these stories originated from and to find ways you can impact/make a difference in the Congo Crisis.

Patience's Story 


“I live in eastern DRC in Ituri with my young son. I am a member of a cooperative. In 2002, when I was still a minor, I was raped by two militiamen. When I was 15 years old, I joined that same militia, and after three months of training, I was a soldier.

One Tuesday at around 10am, I started shooting at the enemy. It’s a horrible story that I don’t like to tell because of what I experienced, what I suffered, what I did. It was horrible in the bush with the militia, I had no consideration for others. I took an active part in several expeditions and finally I decided in mid-2006 to withdraw from the bush. I managed to find a demobilization program nearby. Women working in the mine were exposed to all kinds of violence. Some practiced prostitution, others debauchery. The work of women in the mine is deplorable and unacceptable.

I managed to find a program nearby for former fighters. I got married but still could not adapt to home life. I suffered from trauma, I felt alone, and my husband was scorned for marrying a militia woman. I got divorced to join the mine, but the men mistreated us, the women had no rights, we earned very little, and with difficulty.

One Sunday, while at church, a notice was shared on a local group, Centre Résolution Conflits, coming to the area to speak to people working in the mine. This focused on the rights of women and children. They also introduced the trauma program, which really touched me. Since joining their cooperative, I have been part of the trauma counselling program, and things have improved more at home.

I’ve also been using different techniques to mine gold, and my profits have tripled! I have already bought two plots of land in my village, one is well built and already has 68 sheets and the other is well on the way. I teach my son at home and I am able to support my parents in their old age. I encourage my friends who work as independent gold miners to join the cooperative to benefit from the right support, and to increase their income. The CRC cooperative has made a big change in our community since the gold panners agreed to produce responsible gold without conflict, without mercury and meeting environmental standards.

Our sincere thanks to CRC for bringing this initiative to us, and to Peace Direct for their support.”

Ways you can help: 



Both of these organizations focus primary on providing proper medicine and funding for victims of war, rape and poverty ridden countries throughout different countries in the world. Please, check out their websites and look into ways you can help. 

As always thanks for taking time to read today's blog. I will be sharing more stories from Congo! Stay tuned.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

BBC News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht2RJQ6v1iU

Patience's Testimony: https://www.peacedirect.org/us/where-we-work/dr-congo/?gclid=CjwKCAiA17P9BRB2EiwAMvwNyKhRNhl8kNUTBR0KSTJRZCG2rmGrHb1C_bw-w8KExyvef3lH69o6QhoCXJoQAvD_BwE

Congo Flag Picture: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/dr-congo-demands-compensation-from-belgium/1899060


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