
Showing posts from February, 2020

Life Lesson Learned in 20's: The Wrap Up

Hey Readers!! Thank you for coming back each week to read life lessons learned in 20's. This series has be filled with so much wisdom and knowledge. I know I gained a lot out of it and I hope you did too! This blog wraps up this series. I want to highlight a few of my favorite lessons from this series. 1. Always try to find the positive perspective in all situations. See the glass half full, not half empty. 2. Use this time to figure you out. Spend quality time with yourself, try new things/explore and enjoy your you time. 20's is for understanding yourself! 3. Use this time to invest in quality friendships/relationships! These relationships will follow you into your 30's and some for the rest of your life. 4. Use this time to grow in your faith. Develop a solid foundation with God. This is critical for the rest of your life. 5. Also be wise with your finances this season. This will effect the rest of your life. 6. Be INTENTIONAL about creating healthy hab...

Wednesday Wisdom: Worrying Is For the Birds

Hey Readers!!! Welcome to Wednesday Wisdom. This week I will be focusing on WORRYING... y'all let me tell you this, I have been told that I had a bad habit of worrying about things that were many years down the road or things that may NEVER happen. I realized that worrying robbed me of my peace and effected my health. Worrying can raise your blood pressure y'all and trust elevated blood pressure is NOT good for your health. So I started to ask myself WHY am I worrying?! Will this worrying add any benefits to my life? It will not at all, it'll instead subtract from my life. There are three basic tools that I have applied that have enabled me to decrease worrying by A LOT. 1. Fix It, or Pray and Let Go When I find myself worrying, if it's something that I can change, I will fix it. If you are worrying about something that is in your control, do something about it! The sooner you take care of it, the better. Unfortunately, most of the things we worry about are out ...

Life Lessons Learned in 20's: "Listen, Love, &Learn"

Hello Readers!!! Welcome to week 9 of the series on  Life, Faith &Love  titled  Life Lessons Learned in my 20's .  Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from one of my good friends who wants to remain anonymous. She shares her 20's Life Lessons. 1. Parents have a lot of wisdom and when we're in our early twenties, we may not heed to it. My parents tried to speak some wisdom into me and caution me on certain things I should or should not do. Things such as where I should go to school and getting married. In the moment I didn't heed to their caution. I still did my own thing. We live in a world where it's all about me and I'm going to do me. But I want to tell you that you need people. You need wise people around you that will caution you when you're going down ...

Wednesday Wisdom: "Ladies Get Your Own Bags"

With Valentine's Day around the corner, I saw this post and thought it spoke volumes. I agree with everything Funke Fatai said in this post. I believe there are gender roles, especially in the African culture, with expectations for the man to provide the money and the woman to cook and clean. Society puts such a heavy burden on the man to provide a lifestyle for the woman that she can't provide for herself. Now granted, I do believe a man SHOULD provide for his woman and his family. It is part of his responsibility to be a provider. I also think part of a woman's responsibility is to cook, clean and nurture her family. BUT I believe people forget that relationships, whether dating or marriage is a partnership. BOTH parties should bring something to the table. The man should provide, but that doesn't mean he can't help around the house with cleaning and cooking. Also, I strongly encourage women to have their own "bags" aka money. The Proverbs 31 woman ...

Life Lesson Learned in 20's: "Your Habits in Your 20's can influence your 30's and beyond"

Hello Readers!!! Welcome to week 8 of the series on  Life, Faith &Love  titled  Life Lessons Learned in my 20's .  Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from a writer name Eni! She opens up about her dating experiences and what she's learned from dating in her 20's so far. Here's Eni Wisdom: "Some people may think that their 20’s is a time for fun and careless abandon. While that may be true, there are lots of lessons that you can learn during this period, and you can bring these teachings with you for a better 30’s and beyond. Here are just some of them. 1. This is the time to develop lifelong friends Your 20’s will pose lots of challenges as well as changes in your life. Look out for those who are around you through thick and thin. These are the friends that...

Wednesday Wisdom: "The Power of Keeping Quiet: Part 2"

Welcome back readers!  Lets dive into this week topic, The Power of Keeping Quiet. If you missed part 1 of the Power of Keeping Quiet   click the underlined text. It's set up a good foundation on this topic. This week, I want to provide us with applicable tools on how to practice controlling the tongue. A big part of my blog is rooted in my faith, because I believe in our own human power we can only get so far, but with the power of the Holy Spirit, ALL things are possible. Sincerely, over the years I've had to lean into scripture to help me control my tongue. These two scriptures below are powerful in controlling the tongue.  1. James 1:19 : "Be Slow to Speak, Quick to Listen and Slow to Anger" In the heat of a disagreement/argument it's so easy for our mouths to run loose. We start saying words that pierce like a sword and the dangerous thing about words is once they leave our mouths, we can't take them back and the recipient of your words w...

Life Lesson's Learned in 20's: "Lovey Lovey is NOT by Force"

Hello Readers!!! Welcome to week 7 of my new series on  Life, Faith &Love  titled  Life Lessons Learned in my 20's .  Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from a writer who would prefer to stay anonymous! She opens up about her dating experiences and what she's learned from dating in her 20's so far. Anonymous:  "Dating in your 20's in this generation is a bit of a nightmare. A lot of women looking for serious commitment, with few men looking for the same. Most men want to date around and hook up, but with no commitment. I've had my fair struggles in relationships. First year of college, I didn't take relationships seriously. I had guy friends that I hung around with, did the hooking up thing freshmen year. Sophomore year I started desiring a more serious r...