Life Lessons Learned in your 20's: "Imposed Anger"

Hello Readers!!!

Welcome to my new series on Life, Faith &Love titled Life Lessons Learned in my 20's. Every Saturday, I will be posting a new blog of a story sent to me by one of YOU. I have loved reading all of your stories so far and I am so excited to share some of these lessons with you guys. This week life lesson stems from a friend of mine name Ebi! One main lesson she has learned so far in her 20's is something she calls "Imposed Anger." Read below for Ebi's story:

"2 things I've learnt so far, appreciate the big picture and beware of imposed anger: 

I got into a accident recently, and had my car totaled. That, in itself is an inconvenience, but looking at the big picture, I wasn't hurt in the accident, I'm blessed with friends and family willing to give me their car and/or rides. I've actually enjoyed the time I spent riding with friends, and... my insurance is taking care of everything, so I don't have to spend a dime! 

Moral of the story, always take a step back, and look at the big picture. Another example, in 2010, I was a 10th grader. By 2020, I became an engineer, working a job I enjoy and living a life I could only have dreamed of in 2010... 

If you find yourself feeling angry, ask yourself, why exactly am I angry? I've recognized what I call imposed anger. What I mean is, being angry because someone else is expecting you to be angry. So, I ask myself... why exactly am I mad? Is it because the situation really annoys me, or is it because someone else expects me to be angry?" 

Ebi lesson is a powerful one. The main thing I got out of it, is if you find yourself in an unwanted predicament, take a moment to look at the big picture. Anger does not always need to be the immediate response. Focus on the good, not the bad, and trust the process.

   Life Lesson Individual

See ffiiineee girl, no pimples! Let me take a moment to hype this lady small small. Ebi is a very smart Nigerian woman. She started college at age 16 and studied electrical engineering at North Dakota State University. By age 20 she graduated from NDSU with her electrical engineering degree. Currently she works as a application engineer and she loves it! Ebi is full of so much wisdom and has such a sincere and sweet soul. If you want to follow her find her on Facebook @EbizAlagha. 

Thanks again for taking your time to read! Stay tuned, next week Saturday I will be sharing someone else story. If you want to share a life lesson you've learned in your 20's, please send me an email at If you'd prefer to stay anonymous with your story, I can do that as well. 

Always Keeping It Real,
Titiana Ngongang


  1. This was such an incredible read... And soo true, why focus on the good when we have soo much to be thankful... the little things that most people take for granted

    1. Thanks for the comment sis! You are so correct with your comment above! Thanks for reading(:


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