Integrity Crisis

The google definition of integrity is, "The quality of being honest and having strong moral principle; moral uprightness." It seems like in today's day and age people are starting to take more short cuts to get to the top. Some people want an easy ride to the top and forget about the beauty of hard work, integrity and a virtuous character. This blog post is simply to encourage my fellow hustlers out there to be full of integrity while we're hustling to the top. What you do when no one is watching is a reflection of who you really are. 

Let's be real, we've all had an experience where we've been dishonest. We have ALL lied at one point or another. Right now in my life I value honesty and transparency so much. My close circle of family members and friends know that I'm almost too honest to a fault. BUT there was a time in middle school/high school when I would lie to get out of the house. When I was growing up I wanted to hang out with certain friends and my parents were not having it. I would say I was one place, when I was actually somewhere else. There were times I got away with it, BUT there was a time I got caught and it was BAD. I got my phone taken away, couldn't go anywhere except for school and literally lost my parents trust. I'll tell you now, lying is NOT worth it. It takes years to build trust and seconds to break it. Once broken it may never be rebuilt again or may take a variable amount of time to be rebuilt. Trust me, it's not worth it. Just say the truth, it will set you free.

 Integrity has been a big topic of discussion on social media these past couple of weeks. In politics Michael Cohen testified against President Trump this week, in pop-culture Jussie Smollett was accused of allegedly staging a fake racist and homophobic attack, and Jordyn Wood's integrity was questioned after a recent scandal with Khloe Kardashian's baby daddy Tristan Thompson. All of the people in these stories have been accused of lying and their integrity have been questioned. I have my own personnel opinions on these stories, but I'll save those for another day. I encourage you to look into these stories because they are solid examples of why it's important to tell the truth. Jada Pinkett Smith said, "I'd rather deal with the consequences of telling the truth now, than lying and having to later on deal with the mess I made."

                                                        Celebrity Focus

 This blog's celebrity focus is on Jordyn Woods. She sat down and talked with Jada Pinkett Smith on The Red Table Talk. Jordyn shared her side of the story on the whole Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson scandal. If you want to watch the complete Red Table Talk Interview, log onto facebook and search for The Red Table Talk. Jordyn admitted and explained why she initially lied, she shared her side of the story and she took responsibility for her own actions. At the end of the day, none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes, so I am not judging Jordyn. I just want to use this story to stress the importance of telling truth. I also selected this video because I like Empressive (youtuber) stand on the scandal. 

                                          As always thanks for taking time to read my blog.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


  1. You did it again... I agree, nowadays people either want to find a short cut orrr, just don't take what they do as seriously as they should and only put in half the effort.

    1. Realized I never got the chance to respond back to your sweet post!
      Sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for reading (:


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