Are You An Option? Or The Only Selection?

Valentine's day is right around the corner and everyone is making plans to get booed up. I'm all for finding love, but sometimes we try really hard to get someone to like us, that we have no business talking to. I am a woman and I can only speak from a ladies perspective, but sometimes women try so hard to gain a man's attention, that we can make ourselves an option, instead of his number one selection. You send the text messages, buy the gifts, try to initiate hanging out, but the guy is not reciprocating? Or maybe he's reciprocating, but just enough to keep you interested in him because he likes the attention you give him, but he's just not 100% clear with his intentions for you? If this is your situation, sis I advice you to let go.

Quick story time: there was a time I was interested in a man. I'm typically very old fashion and I believe the man should pursue the woman, but I found myself trying to shoot my shot at this guy. I told him that I was catching feelings for him and he told me that he just wanted to be friends. I respected the fact that he just wanted to be friends and stayed in my lane, but he would sometimes flirt, do kind gestures and keep in contact with me. As time went by I realized that he would do little things here and there to keep my attention, so he can keep me as an option, until he made his number one selection. Sis, I realized what he was doing and cut that off real quick. I decided I was not going to let a man make me an option in his life. I started to drop the bro, fam and cuz dialogue to let him know where I was at with him. With time, I think he got the hint.

This isn't your typical valentine's day blog, but this might help a lady that maybe talking to a guy that is giving her mixed signals. Sis, if he's not clear with his intentions with you, but is still slightly flirting with you, it means he's made you an option. Cut that off and trust that God will bring someone better in your life. Always remember your worth (you are a GIFT from above, a true diamond indeed, you have been redeemed from all your past mistakes and baby girl your self-esteem is high), remind yourself of your desires in a man and never settle for anything less.

                                                        Celebrity Focus

Breeny Lee is an amazing Youtuber. She makes content that focuses on relationships, specifically on women knowing their standards and their worth. She speaks on setting a standards as a woman and not settling for less than you deserve. I believe she drops a lot of gems in this video.

As always thanks for taking time to read my blog.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang


  1. Absolutely love, I agree 👍🏾 in Soo much ways. What God has for you will be just for you, no matter what it is.

    1. Amen sis! Thank you so much for taking time to read this blog <3


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