Walking Through Alone Seasons

First off, I want to start this blog by saying no matter what season you walk through in life, you are never alone. It might feel like you are, but you're not. If you believe in God, such as I do, He will never leave you nor forsake you. No matter how deep the valley or how high the mountain, He will never leave you. My purpose for this blog is to provide 3 practical tips on how to walk through seasons where you might feel isolated.

1. Find the Root Cause of Isolation
Before anything can be fixed or before any healing can begin the root cause must be known. For example when pharmacies run into problems or medication errors they use root cause analysis or fish bone diagrams to identify the root of the problem. Once the root is identified, then we can take steps to fixing the problem. Ask yourself, "Why do I feel alone? What led/contributed to this feeling of isolation?" Maybe you recently ended a close friendship, someone close to you passed away, or you recently experienced a break up? The root cause is going to be different for each individual. Once you know your root write it down on a piece of paper and move to point 2.

2. Embrace the Alone Season 
Now I'm about to tell you to do something a bit unorthodox than what you'd expect to hear. Once you are aware of what led to the lonely season, I encourage you to embrace it. A lot of times once we find ourselves alone it's almost innate for us to run to others. In point number 3 I will discuss running to others for emotional and mental support, but before running to others I want to encourage you to embrace the loneliness. Spend time with yourself, take yourself out on dates, invest your time and energy into yourself. When we walk through seasons we may feel "alone" something so beautiful can be birthed. A strong sense of identity, purpose and direction can be birthed. Instead of using the time crying or discouraged, use the time to invest in your dreams/talents. When we're always surrounded by others, it's easy to start to imitate current trends, mindsets or fashion. When we walk through seasons of feeling alone, creativity and new ideas can also be birthed. Just make sure that by the time you get out of this season, you are a better version of yourself.

3. Enjoy the Company of Others
After embracing the alone season for a bit, remember that you never have to go through anything alone. If you need to vent, call a friend or family member and express yourself. Maybe consider joining a small group, intramural sport team, or book reading group. If by this point you've discovered your purpose or side hustle, consider networking or joining groups with similar interests. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you surround yourself with people who will encourage and love on you. I know some of the hardest seasons I've had to walk through in life I needed the love and support from my family and close friends. After embracing the loneliness don't forget to surround yourself with the love of others.

Be patient with yourself. Take things one day at a time and don't forget that life is about embracing the journey, not necessarily the final destination. Trust the process.

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Celebrity Focus

TedX speaker Baya Voce shares her personnel experience with loneliness. She struggled with loneliness from high school. From her various experiences, Baya birthed her purpose, studying human connections, through her lonely season. I enjoyed listening to some of the insight she provided in this TedX. Make sure to listen to it.

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang


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