In Due Season

So I love avocados. I can eat avocados for breakfast, a snack, lunch and even incorporate avocados in my dinner. I love avocados so much that sometimes I get inpatient for them to get ripe. The other day I grabbed an avocado from the kitchen. I knew the avocado was still hard, but I wanted it so bad that I started to cut into it. As I was trying to clean and cut the avocado, I was struggling to peel off the skin because it was not ripe yet. I forced the avocado peel off and lied to myself that I was enjoying the unripe avocado. If I would have waited a couple more days, that avocado would have been ripe, not as difficult to clean and perfect for me to eat. I feel like sometimes in life we want certain things so bad, that we are willing to force it, even when we know it's not the right time. If we learn to be a bit more patient for what we want there will be an ease that will come when it's the right season. 

In this blog I will provide 3 tips on how to be patient and how to avoid forcing things during the waiting season. 

1.) Creating Time To Daily Count Your Blessings

When we are waiting on something we really want and it’s not coming in the time-frame we desire, it’s easy to get frustrated and negative. Our frustration from waiting can transfer into other areas in our lives. We start to develop negative thoughts and we start to see our lives in the light of our glass being half empty, rather than half full. While you’re waiting for your job, healing, diploma or a spouse stay thankful. Daily, write down the things in your life that you are thankful for. Meditate on the good things happening in your life. When you remain positive, it gives you faith that what you are desiring while happen in due season. Remaining positive also reminds you that your life is blessed in the waiting season and even if you never get what you are waiting on, you are still blessed. 

2.) Continue To Grind &Keep Busy

There was a time I was baking cookies. I had just put them in the oven and I wanted them baked and ready right away. If you guys can tell, I’m currently in the season of growing in patience. While I was waiting for the cookies to bake, I knew I had to distract myself or the waiting time would feel like forever. I set an alarm and put on a movie that I enjoyed. Before I realized it, the microwave alarm went off and my cookies were ready. Similarly, in life when we are waiting for what we want, we have to keep ourselves busy with the things we love. While you’re waiting, prepare for what you’re waiting for, focus on your purpose, your hobbies and other things that bring you joy. They say when you’re busy, it makes time go by faster. 

3.) Live In The Moment 

Today I read a blog about a note that a 27 year old wrote the day before she passed away from cancer. “Try just enjoying and being in moments rather than capturing them through the screen of your phone. Life isn't meant to be lived through a screen nor is it about getting the perfect photo.. enjoy the bloody moment, people! Stop trying to capture it for everyone else.” In her quote she focused on living in the moment in regards to social media, which I agree with. I also think this quote is applicable in the waiting season. While we are waiting for what we want, don’t forget to live in the moment. Each day we wake up is a gift that we should treasure. Live in the moment and stop worrying about waiting for something you may not live to see. I don’t mean to sound dark with that previous statement, but it’s reality. Live in the moment and live each day as if it was your last day.

God made Abraham a promise at age 75 that he was going to be a father of many nations. Him and his wife could not have kids, but God made him a promise. While Abraham and Sarah were waiting for their son they became inpatient and tried to force something when it wasn’t the right time. Abraham conceived Ishmael with Sarah’s maide. Ishmael caused a lot of problems for Abraham and Sarah. When we try to force things before it’s the right time, it will cause us more heart ache. Abraham and Isaac conceived their son Isaac when Abraham was 100. It took 25 years before the promise came to past, but it happen in due season.

While waiting, count your blessings, continue to grind, live in the moment and most especially don’t force something when it is not the right time. 

                                            CELEBRITY FOCUS


Everyone knows Oprah Winfrey for her noteworthy Oprah Show and now the OWN network. In the video above, Oprah shares her journey on when she was waiting for her role on The Color Purple. Oprah provides some more tips on what got her through the waiting season. 

As always thank you so much for reading!

Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang


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