"You Can't Hurry Love, No You Just Have to Wait. She Said Love Don't Come Easy, It's Just a Game of Give &Take"

If you're like me, you might be surrounded by engagements and weddings. Seriously you guys everyone around me is getting married. My sister got married this summer, many of my classmates have gotten married and close friends are getting engaged. It's so easy to get sucked into the marriage bandwagon and try to rush something when it is NOT the right time. You might have clicked on this blog post thinking I was going to tell you how to find your Boaz or your Naomi aka "the ONE". Unfortunately ya'll, I'm not married yet and I'm still waiting on God for that. In this blog post I want to focus on you. You may have created your 50 count list of things you want in your future spouse. I have one question for you though, of that list of 50, how many of those character traits do you have? In this blog post, I will provide 3 tips on how to prepare yourself for the ring. 

1. L.O.V.E. Yourself

Love is a word that is commonly used, but very few really know the definition of love. Love is patient and kind, it does not envy nor boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on it's own way; it is not irritable nor resentful etc., Wow, love is a powerful word. In life you can not give what you do not have. Too many people want to be in a relationship, but haven't taken the time to really love themselves. Are you patient and kind to yourself? Do you get irritable or resentful at your flaws or mistakes? If you can not be kind and give yourself grace, how do you expect to give that to someone else? You can't give what you don't have. Also, if you don't take time to really love yourself you won't know how valuable you are. Lack of knowledge of self-value leads to compromise and causes most people to settle for less than they deserve. Before I say I do, I have made a commitment to loving myself. I'm not perfect and I will make mistakes a long the journey of life, but I will love myself each step of the way. I hope you join me in this commitment of self-love. 

2. How many qualities do YOU have on that 50 Count List??? 

Many say it's good to make a list of characteristics you want in your future spouse. I agree, it is good to make a realistic list. If you haven't made a list before I encourage you to do so now. If you already have a list tucked away in your journal, I encourage you to grab your list now. Go ahead and read through your list and tally the number of character traits that you pertain on that list. It's not fair for you to expect qualities from your spouse that you can not give. Use this time of singleness to work on you. If you want someone that is in shape and works out, then you need to start exercising and incorporating healthy life style changes. Most of the time, we attract people that are similar to us. Work on being the best version of you and you will attract the best spouse for you. 

3. Invest in Books and Resources

As much as we may like to think we have things all figured out, the reality is, no one has everything figured out. We can learn a lot from other peoples mistakes, success and life experiences. Whether if it's you investing time in a relationship, investing money in a business or investing in your education; anything worth having in life requires an investment. Similarly,  I encourage you to invest in books (such as "The Wait" by Devon Franklin and Meagan Good), podcasts and conferences (Pinky Promise Conference) about marriage and singleness. Thank you for investing your time by reading this blog, I do appreciate it. 

I have come to learn that marriage and relationships work differently from each individual. Love works differently for people. During your season of singleness, dating/courting, or marriage continue to focus on being the best version of you. Love yourself, evaluate your character/qualities and invest in yourself. In the right season love will fall into place. 

                                     Celebrity Focus

If you aren't familiar with Ashley Empowers, you guys should definitely check out her Youtube channel and podcast. Her and her husband focus on empowering young men and young women to succeed in the area of relationships, self identity and spirituality. In this video attached above she interviews Will Cyrus, a successful business owner, about his views on being single and waiting on the right woman. 


Always keeping it real,
Titiana Ngongang


  1. This was a good read. Congrats to Viv once again!

    1. Thank you Chuey!!! I will let her know you said Congrats (:


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