How to have THICK skin, but yet a LOVING heart, in a COLD world

"It's a cold world, real cold world. Jermaine called that thing, man where we going to turn? A lot of people thinking I'm on a hopeless endeavor, nah I know someone that can change the weather forever, ever," --Lecrae. If you haven't listened to "Cold World" by lecrae, click the video above and watch. He speaks truth.

We live in a dog eat dog type of world. It's sad, but it's true. People are willing to break the rules, cheat and back-stab just to get to the top. Gang violence and most brutal hood shootings are stemmed from money, drugs, women or disrespect. People make decisions seeking their best interest and not others. We live in a cold world. Now I'm not writing this blog to depress you nor make you think that everyone is out to get you. No, I'm writing this blog to encourage you that despite how cold of a world we live in, you can have thick skin, but still have a loving heart. You can be a light of hope and put out love in the world.

How can you have thick skin, but yet a loving heart in a world full of bitterness and coldness???

1.) You must have a concrete knowledge of who you are

There is a well known saying that goes, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything," Although this statement is true, I pose a few questions for you. How can someone stand if they do not know their values, goals, dreams, and identity? How can someone stand if they don't really know what they are standing for. This concept applies with having thick skin, but yet a loving heart. You will easily fall into the world's way of back-stab, cheating, stealing or hating, if you don't really know yourself and know what you stand for. Take sometime to yourself and really get to know yourself. Learn about your strengths and your weaknesses. If you find that you have some hate or anger in your life, let it go and begin to heal. Work on yourself from within. Once you really know who you are and what you truly stand for (having thick skin, but a loving heart), nothing can sway you.

2.) You must remember that we are all perfectly flawed creatures

As we grow up in society and allow different influences to influence us, family, friends and social media shape us into perfectly flawed creatures. No one is perfect. I'm not using this as an excuse for the vile actions of human beings. Yes we are humans, yes we are not perfect, but we are accountable for how we treat others. I make the statement that no one is perfect, so you are not disappointed when your friend, significant other, or family fails you. People will disappoint you. When you have a mindset that everyone is perfectly flawed, your heart is more equipped to love others, even when they make cold decisions.

3.) Daily practice walking in love with others 

Loving others is not an easy task. It takes practice, but trust me, many opportunities will come for you to practice spreading love instead of hate in this cold world. Once you know who you are, you know what you stand for, and you acknowledge that people will fail you, it better equips you to practice love. Believe me, you will not have to go searching for difficult people to love. They are everywhere. Make a deliberate decision to practice loving others each day and before you know it, it will become innate in you.

                                               CELEBRITY FOCUS:

This blog celebrity focus is Lecrae. He owns the property rights to the music video attached, "Cold World". Born and raised by his mother, in a poor community, Lecrae Moore moved around a lot, giving him the versatile background and cultural awareness he carries with him. Lecrae dealt with a fair share of hardship growing up. He experienced a cold world as a child, but made it out. At age 19 Lecrae gave his life to Christ after a powerful sermon. He began rapping about the gospel and how Christ changed his life. At age 25 Lecrae found Reach Records and debuted his first album. Lecrae now resides in Atlanta, GA with his wife and children.  He and his wife are small group leaders at Blueprint Church, and his passion for impacting lives persists. With three successful albums, touring worldwide along with the 116 Clique, and inspiring a generation of young believers across the globe, Lecrae is humbled by his position in leading others towards Christ.

Remember, yes we live in a cold world, but we do not have to imitate the hatred in this world. You can have thick skin, but yet a loving heart in a cold world.

**Please note I will be recording a YouTube video this week to a long with this blog post.**

Much Love,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love



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