Whiter Teeth, Smoother &Clearer Skin, &Thicker Hair [Beauty Hacks every Woman &Man should know]

During winter break I put 4 beauty hacks to test. These hacks range from how to get whiter teeth, clearer skin, and getting thicker/longer hair. Here are 4 beauty hacks I believe every woman should try!

1.) Baking Soda... I got Baking Soda! [Teeth]


                          YES!                                                                         NO!

Soooo this beauty hack blew my mind. There was a noticeable difference between my before and after use of Baking Soda. If you are trying to get whiter teeth and don't want to break the bank, Baking Soda is the way to go! Take note there are two different types of baking soda, there is the cleaning version and the baking version. I use the baking version because it's going in my mouth. 

                      1. Get a small reusable cup/container 
                      2. Put a teaspoonful of baking soda in the cup
                      3. Add a teaspoonful of water in the cup of baking soda 
                      4. Squeezed a small amount of lemon in the cup
                          (not necessary, but I felt like it gave my teeth a little more shine)
                      5. Be aware baking soda has a salty taste.
                         To get rid of the salty taste I either brushed my teeth with regular toothpaste
                         or rinse my mouth with a mouth wash.

Trust me, you'll thank me later, you're teeth will be shining. I did this every other day for 2 weeks and saw major results.

2.) Clearer Skin

I've been aiming to get clearer and smoother skin for a while now, but it's been difficult finding a regimen that works best for me. For Christmas, I got the face cleansing spin brush as a present and it has helped my skin. Using your hands is not enough to really clear your skin, you need a deep exfoliating brush or mask. I use my spin brush every other day, in the morning only, with my morning face wash. You can use any face wash you prefer. To avoid dry skin, make sure to moisturize your face after exfoliating it. Use this regularly and you will see results!

Oatmeal, Honey &Lemon Face Mask



I tried an oatmeal, lemon and honey mask during break and it made my skin feel softer and shine. Due to the lemon, I use this face mask once every 2 weeks to achieve softer and shiny skin. 

                      1. Get a small reusable cup/container 
                      2. Put a 1/4 cup of oatmeal in the cup
                      3. Add a tablespoonful of honey in the cup of oatmeal 
                      4. Squeeze a small amount of lemon in the cup 
                      5. You can use this mask all over your face or just focus on the areas of
                          hyper-pigmentation on your face. Leave mask on for 15 to 20 minutes and
                          wash it off with water or a face wash.

My skin felt soft and look more vibrant after using this mask. Give it a try and leave me a comment below if it works for you!

3.) Thicker &Longer Hair

I have African American natural hair. It's been 3 years since I last relaxed my hair. I was feeling like my hair was not looking full. I tried 2 things that helped me achieve a fuller look in my hair.

          1.) T.R.I.M.    

              My hair desperately needed a trim. The ends of my hair were not looking healthy & were               splitting. I got my hair a little wet, from roots to end, I tightly slid my middle finger and 
              my pointer finger through my hair. As I got to the end of my hair I used scissors &cut
              the split ends at the bottom. After a trim my hair looked and felt fuller. 

          2.) INVERSION METHOD


              I honestly thought this method was simply a myth until I tried it for myself. For two
              weeks, I bend my body from waist down and massaged my scalp with my hands or
              with my scalp massager. This helps to stimulate blood flow to your scalp, which
              promotes hair growth. Some people choose to use an oil and lotion their scalp
              and then proceed with the inversion method, you can do either.  My younger sister and I
              tried this method for 7 days and we noticed a difference in our hair. 

                                                                     Celebrity Focus: 

This month celebrity focus is not on a specific celebrity. The attached video above shows multiple beauty hacks that different celebrities use to keep their youthful glow. Check it out and test a few out for yourself. Some worked for me! Always feel free to leave me a comment.

Much Love, 
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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