Cutting toxic relationships into the New Year (2017)

              The video attached above is very entertaining. If you haven't watched it yet, I'd suggest for you to watch it now. The song the kids are dancing to is "Cut It" by O.T. Genasis. This song came out in 2016 and went viral. There is a specific line in the song that goes, "That price is way to high you need to cut it." I begin this blog by stating that the price of your peace is way too high, you need to cut it.

1.) Difference Between Seasonal &Long-Term relationships.

What I mean by cut it, is cutting any toxic relationship that is effecting your peace. When I use the word relationship it includes friendships and romantic relationships. In life there are seasonal relationships and life time relationships. Too often I've seen people drag on toxic relationships that were only suppose to be seasonal to be long term. Examples of seasonal relationships include making new friends with someone once starting a new job or joining a sports team. A seasonal relationship would end once you leave the job or at the end of the sports season. Long-term relationships tend to be life long. Despite the move, new job, new school or new neighborhood long-term relationships are still there.

2.) How to Identify a Toxic Relationship

A synonym of the word toxic is poison; a substance that is capable of causing illness or death. Relationships that are toxic literally suck the life out of you. They continually take from you and never give back to you. Here are a few tips you can use to identify a toxic relationship: 
1. You always feel like you're the one giving in the relationship and it's never reciprocated back.

2. This person only contacts you in their convenience or when they need something.

3. A healthy relationship should be one that you can go to vent or release stress. Once this relationship is constantly adding more stress in your life, it's become toxic.

4. Any type of physical or verbal abuse in a relationship is toxic.

5. If you feel like you can not simply be yourself or you're pretending to be someone else in that relationship, it's toxic.

6. If you are the only person putting effort in the relationship, and the other person is not. It's toxic.

Those are just a couple examples of toxic relationships. Trust your gut instinct if you feel like you're currently in one. 

3.) How to C.U.T. a toxic relationship:

When it comes to cutting things off, I believe in the band aid methodology. The quicker you rip off a band aide the less it hurts. Pain tends to kick in the slower you take to take it off. If you're in a toxic relationships I'd advice you to first communicate to the other person how you are feeling. Communicate the things that you feel need to be corrected before immediately cutting it. If there are no changes in the behavior of the individual or the relationship continues to remain poisonous then it's time to cut it off. If you're afraid of your safety, then cut off the relationship through the phone or in a public setting. Once you cut off the relationships, then cut all ties you have with that individual. Delete all the images, text messages, and any gift given to you by the individual. Once you cut it off, never look back.

                                                               CELEBRITY FOCUS:

I am no celebrity!!! But I created a brand new YouTube Channel and I just recently posted my first video on overcoming toxic relationships. I have realized that not everyone likes to read blogs and prefer watching videos. I am going to be making YouTube videos on most of my blogs. Since this blog focus is on my YouTube channel, please watch the video above and subscribe to my channel!!

Much Love,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love


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