How to lose STUBBORN belly fat

         Losing weight can be very difficult. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to eat whatever they wanted, sit over a flame of fire and burn the calories. All the fat from that cheese burger, Chinese food, Mexican food, cup cakes and french fries would simply burn on the fire. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. You are what you eat. Too much junk food will accentuate those love handles and muffin top tummy.

          Now and days people want things fast. We tend to be inpatient and search for quick routes to our end destination. Many people search for the perfect pill that will shed off all their unwanted weight. Weight loss pills such as Slimera (Garcinia Cambogia) are effective for some, but not all. If you are searching for ways to lose stubborn belly fat or weight in other locations in the body, here are 7 easy steps:

                     1.) EXERCISE IN BURST:
                                Doing stomach crunches and plaques are effective in toning and shaping the stomach, but crunches don't burn a lot of calories. Exercising in intervals of repetitive cycles of running for 5 minutes, walking for 2 minutes, and sprinting for 1 minute are effective ways to burn a lot of calories and overall lose weight. Crutches can be done after your high interval work out, for toning of the abs.
                       2.) WATER, WATER, WATER

Apart from the organs and different compartments in the body, the human body is predominately made up of water. Water is critical in regulating the metabolic rate. Studies suggest drinking 8 cups of water a day. This helps the body run more smoothly and provides more energy when working out. A majority of the systems in the body are fueled by water. There is power in water.

                          3.) RELAX
                                   Stress can contribute to weight gain, especially in the stomach area. When stressed our body releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol contributes to weight gain. A study was done by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco. 61 healthy women were followed; 33 were severely stressed. All the women kept a personnel record of their food intake. Both groups of women, stressed and non-stressed ate high sugar food and fried meals. More weight gain was observed in the high stressed group. So when stressed, try to relax.

                           4.) OLIVE OIL                                     

                  It's common sense to eat healthy when trying to lose weight. Eating more food high in sugar versus greens and vegetables will contribute to weight gain. Eating late at night, past 8pm can also contribute to weight gain. Fortunately, there is one trick to eating healthy that has been proven effective. Studies show that if olive oil is used in meals, it makes the body feel full faster. Increasing early satiate results in decrease of calorie consumption and overall weight loss.
                     5.) EAT EVERY 3 HOURS
                              Studies show that it's better for you to eat every 3 hours to regulate your metabolic rate. Waiting long periods of time to consume food, may result in your storing food as fat for protection from starvation. The healthier you eat, more frequently throughout the day, the better for your metabolic system and calories burning. 
                      6.) ZZZZZZZZZZZ's

                           Sleep is so important for the body. Sleep aids in memory, immune health, weight loss and many other functions. The more sleep we have, the more regulated our metabolic system. Also when we get enough sleep, stress levels are lower and less cortisol is released. Sleep is critical in weight loss. 
            7.) DARK CHOCOLATE 

                        If you have a sweet tooth like me, sugar maybe one of your biggest weaknesses. Fortunately, studies show that dark chocolate has weight lost effect. Dark chocolate is high in zinc. Zinc increases leptin in the body. Leptin is responsible for regulating the body's energy usage, appetite and fat storage. So if you have a sweet tooth and you're trying to lose stubborn belly fat, dark chocolate is for you.

                 CELEBRITY FOCUS:


         Billy Blanks was born in Eerie, Pennsylvania in 1955. He was the fourth of fourteen children. Billy was born with an anomaly in his hip joint that impaired his movement. His siblings would pick on his clumsiness. This propelled Billy to enter into martial arts and become fit. Blank became a body guard for well known actress Catherine Bach. His body physic impressed the directors so much that they wrote a script for Blank and added him in the movie. This led to Billy starring in many martial art films such as King of the Kickboxer and Bloodfist. In the 1980’s blank developed Tae Bo work out while running a karate studio. His Tae Bo videos became viral. The Youtube video above is a Tae Bo cardio workout video. I encourage you to get into workout clothes and start burning calories.

Losing weight can be intimidating, but not impossible. I encourage you to consistently follow the 7 steps above and remain patient in your weight loss journey.

Much Love,
Titiana Ngongang
Life, Faith &Love

"13 Tricks to Help Lose Belly Fat." Cosmopolitan. N.p., 29 July 2016. Web. 09 Aug. 2016. <>.
Wikipedia. "Billy Blanks." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 09 Aug. 2016. <>.


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