Trusting God in 2019

Hello everyone! I hope you all were safe, yet had fun breaking into the new year. Wow, it's still crazy to me how fast 2018 went by. Time definitely does fly by. I want to start off my first blog of 2019, by saying welcome to 2019. I know New Year's resolutions are a big deal when a new year begins. I am all for change, but last year during the New Year I proposed saying NO to New Year resolutions and saying YES to life time solutions. If you're interested in that blog, click on Lifestyle Solution . This year I want to encourage you to start of the new year by intentionally choosing to TRUST God. Choosing to trust God can be easier said than done. I walked through a really hard season in 2018, things have dramatically improved, but to be honest at times I still struggle with this. There was something I was praying and asking God for in 2018. Y'all I asked God numerous times. I prayed, fasted, told friends about it for corporate prayer, I tried to do everything ...