"You Can't Hurry Love, No You Just Have to Wait. She Said Love Don't Come Easy, It's Just a Game of Give &Take"

If you're like me, you might be surrounded by engagements and weddings. Seriously you guys everyone around me is getting married. My sister got married this summer, many of my classmates have gotten married and close friends are getting engaged. It's so easy to get sucked into the marriage bandwagon and try to rush something when it is NOT the right time. You might have clicked on this blog post thinking I was going to tell you how to find your Boaz or your Naomi aka "the ONE". Unfortunately ya'll, I'm not married yet and I'm still waiting on God for that. In this blog post I want to focus on you. You may have created your 50 count list of things you want in your future spouse. I have one question for you though, of that list of 50, how many of those character traits do you have? In this blog post, I will provide 3 tips on how to prepare yourself for the ring. 1. L.O.V.E. Yourself Love is a word that is commonly used, but very few really know t...