How to lose STUBBORN belly fat

Losing weight can be very difficult. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to eat whatever they wanted, sit over a flame of fire and burn the calories. All the fat from that cheese burger, Chinese food, Mexican food, cup cakes and french fries would simply burn on the fire. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. You are what you eat. Too much junk food will accentuate those love handles and muffin top tummy. Now and days people want things fast. We tend to be inpatient and search for quick routes to our end destination. Many people search for the perfect pill that will shed off all their unwanted weight. Weight loss pills such as Slimera (Garcinia Cambogia) are effective for some, but not all. If you are searching for ways to lose stubborn belly fat or weight in other locations in the body, here are 7 easy steps: ...