New Series: What I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Got Married

Heyyy y'all!!! Welcome back to Life, Faith &Love! I am bringing a new series to you guys titled, "What I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Got Married." I'll be real with you guys, it was a bit of a struggle finding people who were willing to open up about their marriages or their personnel experiences in regards to relationships. It's a sensitive topic for some, but I believe relationships, especially marriage will either catapult you towards your purpose/destiny or may keep you stagnant and you never fulfill your purpose. This is why it's important we talk about this topic and share wisdom, so we are prepared if that season presents itself! I interviewed an amazing life coach/relationship coach name Vivian. She helps women heal and recover from bad relationships/breakups/divorce. She aids woman cultivate healthy relationships by encouraging them to have a healthy relationship with themselves first. Find her on instagram @VibewithViv and check out her webs...