How to Rise and Sail in the Storms of Life

Have you ever felt like you were in a storm? You try to ride through the waves, but as you pass one wave, the waves only get bigger and bigger? Life comes with seasons that feel like all odds are against us. You feel like you are trying everything, but nothing is going your way. The focus of this blog post is to address what to do when life brings storms. How do we overcome the stormy waves of life? I will provide 3 steps to help you triumph over the storms that life brings. 1. Surround Yourself with Others I wrote a blog about the necessity of having people in our lives. We were not made to go through life a lone. No one is an island. Like that blog, I re-iterate that we need community to flourish in life. Frequently in life we are our own biggest enemy. We tend to pick at ourselves and dwell on the things that make us feel insecure. I have a sister, who is always picking at her thighs and stomach. When she sees herself, she sees thickness. When I see her, I see a 5 feet 9-i...