"Facing the Giants: Overcoming the Fears of Life."

"FEAR: an unpleasant emotion, caused by belief that something or someone is dangerous, likely to cause pain or threat." Whether if it's fear of failure, death, spiders, water or being in crowded places, everyone has something they are afraid of. Many of us have visions and goals that we want to accomplish, but the fear of failure or disappointment keeps us stagnant. Before you proceed reading this blog, I encourage you to think or write down your fears. What are you afraid of? What makes your stomach drop? I once listened to a young man speak about his fears. He was in the middle of starting his own business and he was afraid to fail. He had to take out a cumulative loan of $40 million dollars to begin his business. If I was him, I would have been scared out of my mind also. $40 million dollars is a lot of money. Before he signed the documents for the loans he was confused, afraid to fai...